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    Help: could you diagnose my plants?

    thanks for all the feedback. Getting there slowly. It just seems so hard to leave them alone
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    Help: could you diagnose my plants?

    could anyone help us diagnose our problem? we have 5 plants and 2 clones growing at the moment. the clones look fine, however the plants we've grown from seed dont seem to be growing the lovely shade of green that ive seen in a few ppls grow journals.. our plants are about 2 months old and...
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    Yellowing of leaves, curling and brown tips

    I have given all the plants some epsom salts. how long should it be until i can start to see some results?
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    Yellowing of leaves, curling and brown tips

    Thanks for all the feedback
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    Yellowing of leaves, curling and brown tips

    what types of shops can you buy those salts from
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    Yellowing of leaves, curling and brown tips

    Since my last post have run into heat and light issues. The temperatures was around the 90's but all that is now under control. The temp is now around the high 70's and have added in another 125W Envirolite. The humidity its fluctuating a lot from the low 30's up to high 50's. The plants...
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    How Did it happen!

    you might get root rot if you keep watering them. Just leave them and let them dry out
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    Seedling Problems! =[

    the leaves look yellow. How often have you been watering and what was the PH of the water ?
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    The biggest cola ever - overgrown style.

    thats one fucking fat bud
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    seedling that wont break surface...

    how long have the seeds been did you germinate the seeds ?
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    What is the best lighting cycle?

    Im currently using 18/6 for seedlings and they are doing fine. I'm sure i read some where that 18/6 is better for root production....but i might be wrong. You switch over to 12/12 in one go not staged.
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    can u cloan autoflowering strain

    post a pic of the plant
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    25 days ago and look at her now!

    the plants are looking great cannot wait to get to flowering stage...but got ages to go only started my seedlings off around a week and a half ago. What nutes you going to use for the flowering stage ?
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    lighting question

    Hopefully that's stopped the streching also the extra light has raised the temp from 72 to 78/79 so the plants should be loving that. That's for the reply.
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    lighting question

    would like some feedback on the changes I've made
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    lighting question

    here are some more pictures, moved the seedlings around and placed them closer to the light (about an inch and a half away and the pic is took at an angle so they look further away) and i added an extra light for the clones. does this look alright?
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    lighting question

    here are a couple of pics
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    lighting question

    I have a number of seedlings and clones currently vegging but the seedlings are starting to strech so thinking of adding another light. I currently have a 125 watt envirolite (green) attached to a reflector a couple of inch's above the plants. I have another 125 watt envirolite (red) which im...
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    Here is an Alternative to UFO LED Lighting

    has anyone ever seen pics of an grow where someone has only used a UFO / LEDs? I cannot see the results being that good.