How Did it happen!


Active Member
Okay this is my first grow and i have no idea what it is how it happened or how to fix it?

My daily schedule with my two female big buds is 18 hours of light 4 inches away under 2 T8 fluorescent bulbs. I also water them 3 times a day, 8am, 2pm, and 8pm. The soil I use is Organic FoxFarm so the PH is controlled.

These two pictures are my two plants at 11 days old, how did it happen and how do i fix this problem of these brownish marks and curling tips at the ends of them?


Well-Known Member
Watering way too fucking much. Does it rain 3 times a day? 1 good watering every 3-4 days is what you want. The plant absolutely NEEDS dry soil to continue living. constantly wet and moist soil will kill your plants.


Well-Known Member
Who told you to water 2-3 times a day? You should shoot that fk'er!
Personally, I have to force myself to water once a week, 'cuz my plants look fine and my water meter says they're ok . . . but they do grow an inch or two overnight when I do actually water.
If you plan to succeed, I suggest you do some reading.
It's MUCH easier to fix underwatering than overwatering, which is fatal if not corrected.


Well-Known Member
Has anyone mentioned that you MIGHT be watering a tad too much? Dude those babies are just seedlings. Back off your water to like a little bit once every other day or so while they are still seedlings. When they get some substance to them, back off the water to about every 3 or 4 days. And about every 4th water, water them deeply until you get runoff thru the drain holes.
I wouldn't fret over them until they become REAL plants. When they get a couple alternating branches. I have 16 plants about 6 weeks old, and each and every one of them has a leaf that looks weird or SOMETHING that doesn't look normal, one even has yellow spotted leaves that has since stopped, but the lower leaves still have the spots. They are just fine.
You are gonna see shit that will freak you out. Unless it happens to all of them, or progresses from one leaf to the whole plant, keep an eye on it, but don't panic. You are gonna have little hiccups, little things that will worry you for no reason.
I'm telling you this because I was you! I freaked out over every little thing and managed to kill off the majority of my first grow from "over attention".
We just gotta keep in mind that these babies have been around for a good long while, and managed to survive without our help


Well-Known Member
dude overwatering can be a killer... Finding this out already on my first grow. 15+ days and an inch tall!! Now starting over... Stop watering before it's too late.

And Im sure you know this by the post before me, just wanted to editorialize on how dissapointing it is...


Active Member
dude overwatering can be a killer... Finding this out already on my first grow. 15+ days and an inch tall!! Now starting over... Stop watering before it's too late.

And Im sure you know this by the post before me, just wanted to editorialize on how dissapointing it is...
Same with me, and I agree you are definitely over watering. I remember on my first grow I over watered, and I was wondering why my plant wasn't getting taller. I changed my watering schedule to watering it every other day, sometimes every other other day. After that first week my plant looked so much healthier and was doing great since then