Help: could you diagnose my plants?


Active Member
could anyone help us diagnose our problem?

we have 5 plants and 2 clones growing at the moment. the clones look fine, however the plants we've grown from seed dont seem to be growing the lovely shade of green that ive seen in a few ppls grow journals..

our plants are about 2 months old and seem to be slow growing to me.. they are growing in a smallish grow tent in my cellar, the soil we have used is Ericaceous compost for acid loving plants (from Focus), weve got 2 250W Envirolites, one fan circulating the air, one big fan and a filter sucking the air out of the tent, tempature ranges from 24c to 28c (depending on when the extractor/filter fan comes on and goes off), the temp goes down to about 19/20c at night.

the only thing i cant control is humidity, it fluctuates from 30% to 60% sometimes 70%, i have to go down twice a day to spray a little water into the air to raise the humidity levels, is there anyway i can keep it at a constant level at 40% - 50%?

as you can tell from the way im typing there are 2 of us looking after this grow and we have slight disagrements. my friend believes that we've given the plants too many nutes and that the problem is nute burn but weve only given the plants nutes twice: 1st time 01.11.08 at full strengh (HESI TNT Complex, 5ml to 1ltr) and the 2nd time 20.11.08 at quarter strengh (about 1.5ml to 1ltr) (because apparently this is what we should have done 1st time, is this correct?)

i believe that the plants havent had enough nutes, thats why i think they look so crappy, small and ill. i think they have a nitrogen def. i also believe the light is too close to the plants and they are getting too hot.

also on the 07.11.08 we brought epsom salts, we mixed 200g of salt to 1ltr of water, we then added 2 fluid ounces of this mixture to each plant as we thought we may have had a magnesium def but i dont know if this has made the plants better or worse, i dont think its helped that much..

the plants would have looked bushier but i removed the first sets of leaves as they looked bad, now i think i shouldnt have done that because the new bottom leaves have started going bad..

can anyone advise me please??



Active Member
hi your lights are defo too close and you are using to much nutrients i have been growing for 10 years. when u get nutrients and they say use 5ml in every 2 litres of water on small plants take no notice of what the nutrients instructions say and use half the dose and not every time you water just water evry 2 days and use nutritiants every 2 weeks


Well-Known Member
could anyone help us diagnose our problem?

we have 5 plants and 2 clones growing at the moment. the clones look fine, however the plants we've grown from seed dont seem to be growing the lovely shade of green that ive seen in a few ppls grow journals..

our plants are about 2 months old and seem to be slow growing to me.. they are growing in a smallish grow tent in my cellar, the soil we have used is Ericaceous compost for acid loving plants (from Focus), weve got 2 250W Envirolites, one fan circulating the air, one big fan and a filter sucking the air out of the tent, tempature ranges from 24c to 28c (depending on when the extractor/filter fan comes on and goes off), the temp goes down to about 19/20c at night.

the only thing i cant control is humidity, it fluctuates from 30% to 60% sometimes 70%, i have to go down twice a day to spray a little water into the air to raise the humidity levels, is there anyway i can keep it at a constant level at 40% - 50%?

as you can tell from the way im typing there are 2 of us looking after this grow and we have slight disagrements. my friend believes that we've given the plants too many nutes and that the problem is nute burn but weve only given the plants nutes twice: 1st time 01.11.08 at full strengh (HESI TNT Complex, 5ml to 1ltr) and the 2nd time 20.11.08 at quarter strengh (about 1.5ml to 1ltr) (because apparently this is what we should have done 1st time, is this correct?)

i believe that the plants havent had enough nutes, thats why i think they look so crappy, small and ill. i think they have a nitrogen def. i also believe the light is too close to the plants and they are getting too hot.

also on the 07.11.08 we brought epsom salts, we mixed 200g of salt to 1ltr of water, we then added 2 fluid ounces of this mixture to each plant as we thought we may have had a magnesium def but i dont know if this has made the plants better or worse, i dont think its helped that much..

the plants would have looked bushier but i removed the first sets of leaves as they looked bad, now i think i shouldnt have done that because the new bottom leaves have started going bad..

can anyone advise me please??
Here's some info i've found helpful in diagnosing plant probs, hope this helps

Sick Plant Symptoms


New Member
Dr bangers here its a classic case of pissing about with them, leave them the fuck alone, just a little water from now on when they are dry, pick up the pot if its nice and light they will want a drink, dont go crazy and drown them or you will kill them, when they pick up give them a little nuits not much, not even whats on the bottle just a little if the bottle says 5/7 ml per ltr you use 2ml until they look better keep the light away from them over 1mtr, they will pick up if you do 1 thing, STOP FUSSING OVER THEM, Always remember THEY ARE WEEDS they dont kill themselfs PEOPLE KILL THEM.


Well-Known Member
I would say its nute burn, its common to give plants nutrients too early, I did it myself before. No nutrients for the first two weeks, and you'll see happy seedlings. There may also be a ph issue. Also, yes you're fussing, back off you're like a parent smothering their children, you have to let them learn how to survive on their own. If you would have just peeked in your cab and gave them a little water every day they would be lush right now.