25 days ago and look at her now!


Well-Known Member
So ive decided im going to begin flowering tomorrow, thanks for everyones help on here, so far so good! Wish me luck people.
The first pic is the day i got her which was 25 days ago and the other 3 are from about 10 min ago. What a beauty she turned out to be!

9-13a.jpg 10-7b.jpg



What does everyone think?


Well-Known Member
Nice looking blueberry. Mine is not quite as bushy but it will be after a month. It is a f-1 clone and I plan on turning it into a mother. Hope your rest of your grow remains good.


Well-Known Member
Looks good man. My four babies looked just like your seedling about 4 weeks ago, and look pretty similar to your baby does now and I'm also right about to go in to flower. Looks like we're on the same page you and I!

What kind of soil mixture and lights and nute/watering schedule is she on? What size pot is she in?


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys! shes in a 3 gallon pot im pretty sure lol could be 2 not positive, in fox farm ocean forest soil, using a 150w hps, and as for the nute/watering schedule i usually watert her every 5 days or so and i have only used a guano mix once with my water trying to go as organic as possible.


Active Member
the plants are looking great cannot wait to get to flowering stage...but got ages to go only started my seedlings off around a week and a half ago.

What nutes you going to use for the flowering stage ?


Junior Creatologist
before you flower her, why dont you take a few cuttings and multiply your efforts?? all you would neeed to do is clip like 4 or 5 clones from her, and then give her a week or two to recover, at the same time you would be letting your clones take root. And then throw ALL of them into the flowering chamber. Lollypop the little girls, and let the big girl grow out. N then after harvest, just revert her back to veg, take more clones, n start lollypoppin again. You could potentially have 5-10 clones doin a ScrOG grow, with nothin but nice FAT fuckin colas growin on top.

Just a suggestion though brother, i just wanna see people maximize their potential :D


Well-Known Member
im not sure what nutes im gona use for flowering yet i might just use none? King thats a great fn idea but because of my space issue and me only having one 150whps i think im just gona focus on her as one beast and next time do exactly what you jus said


Junior Creatologist
hey thats an awesome idea too dude. You do got a beast there and its totally worth keepin it as is, just dont chop it down completely after you harvest. At least keep her around n reveg so u can bust some clones off of her, yaknow? would hate to lose the strain....


Well-Known Member
yea definately im not sure yet if i wana risk ordering seeds to my place and i got this clone from a dude workin at my local hydro store so its all i really got at this point, i jus lucked out completely i only knew hime for like 2 days and he offered me one, had me go to his place and showed me his set up and gave her too me lol kinda random so yea im def gona try to keep her around as long as i can


Well-Known Member
if i just transplant my baby into a fresh pot of ff ocean forest would it jus be okay to use no nutes for flowering? i havnt used any nutes on her yet and am trying to go strictly organic and avoid using them if i can. any opinions??


Junior Creatologist
well, i mean, to be honest you would be able to go without nutes, until a problem arises. Its possible to use no nutes of course, weed has grown naturally for hundreds and thousands of years without people puttin budswell into the soil, lol.

But seriously, n i know your trying to go as organic as possible, but FF is organic nutes. If your using fox farm soil, go pick up some big bloom and tiger bloom. USe them together, and make your nuggets nice n chunky. Im sure theyll be lookin sweet anyways cuz of the strain, but the nutes really do help in resin production, thickness of the buds, and all around girth in general. If you do wanna go the pure route, thats totally cool, but youll rarely find people that do that anymore. Even purists that dont like chemical weed use nutrients, they just use umm...fuck i forget the name of them. Hold on, lemme look in my hydrofarm catalogue. Ill be right back man.


Junior Creatologist
yeah, stuff like Earth Juice, MetaNaturals, Roots Organics - shit like that. But Fox Farm will do you just as good man, its probably the most prefferred nutrient solution combo of growers nationwide. That, and Advanced Nutrients. No matter what u decide to go with though, wether it be pure water, or a nutrient combo, let me know. I would love to see how it turns out, no matter which road u go down..

-Good luck brother
