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  1. Girlintheweeds

    Is this normal?

    Its got a little fan on it about to get some more lights on her today
  2. Girlintheweeds

    Is this normal?

    my baby is so bushy.
  3. Girlintheweeds

    Is this normal?

    It wont let me upload pictures
  4. Girlintheweeds

    Is this normal?

    Is it normal for it to be so bushy? ...and those who are concerned the ph is 6.5
  5. Girlintheweeds

    can you identify the sex of this plant?

    Pull the camera a little bit away from the plant and when capturing the picture hold the capture button so you know your focus is on the plant. I took photography classes. Its just your focus.
  6. Girlintheweeds


    I have been bending her every day. As far as the redness while topping I accidently nicked a leaf well the stem of it and it resulted in some bruising Lets get critical thank u Any advice on organically raising ph?
  7. Girlintheweeds


    I have been bending her every day. As far as the redness while topping I accidently nicked a leaf well the stem of it and it resulted in some bruising Lets get critical thank u Any advice on organically raising ph?
  8. Girlintheweeds


    My baby! Comments and advice if any are welcome.
  9. Girlintheweeds

    What's the craziest thing youve done to help grow your plants? (indoor/outdoor)

    I have put coffee grounds on them. I also have talked to them. "pretty babies, you grow tall and big for me okay?"
  10. Girlintheweeds

    Topping question.. Please help!

    How many times and how often can someone top their plant?
  11. Girlintheweeds

    Update: 5 leaves!

    Man I thought she was growing slow..
  12. Girlintheweeds

    Update: 5 leaves!

    Honestly, ive lost track. If I had to guess id say 5 weeks
  13. Girlintheweeds

    Update: 5 leaves!

    Just watered spray bottle
  14. Girlintheweeds

    Update: 5 leaves!

    Look at her she is so pretty!
  15. Girlintheweeds

    Back to square one, :/

    I know how ya feel took me awhile to get the hang of suggestion is ask, if you got a problem or concern just ask there are alot of members in this community who have been there done that and are more than happy to help.peace out!
  16. Girlintheweeds

    havnt seen growth in weeks

    Pictures would really us help you
  17. Girlintheweeds

    Whats up with this seedling? anything i can do? cant rush mother nature
  18. Girlintheweeds

    Expertise please!

    I believe these are pistils. Is it a girl or is it my imagination?
  19. Girlintheweeds

    Topping successful!

    I think ive been thread
  20. Girlintheweeds

    Topping successful!

    I just would like to Thank the RIU community because without my little girl would not be alive and well thank you guys soo much for all your help!