Whats up with this seedling? anything i can do?

Jus Naturale

Active Member
Looks like the membrane from inside the shell is stuck. Try spraying with a bit of water and letting it soak for a bit to moisten, then very, very gently try to remove it (with tweezers if necessary). Just be very, very gentle.

Cheers and good luck!


Well-Known Member
It's going to be a long grow brother, be patient. The leaves would have popped on their own. My advice, try not to touch the plant. You risk damaging it every time you do. It's a weed and needs very little intervention from the grower.
Thx for feedback. I know not to rush it, but it had been like that for 2 days. So i felt something needed to be done. And when i got it off it poped open right away and the "shell" thing that came off was kinda like a band, so i dont know if it had come off by it self. But now all is good. And again thx for the quick feedback, will use this forum some more now. :)
thx for help and happy growing to u all. :)

Jus Naturale

Active Member
I've had those little membranes stick around for days too. Seems that burying the seed a bit deeper helps, as the added time in the moist soil and physically pushing through the medium causes it to shuck off on its own better.


Looks like she'll be fine - good job. And, where does this "it's a weed" stuff keep coming from? "Weed" is a generic term used to describe a plant that is fast growing and is a nuisance. There is no species or category of plants termed weeds! It is a unique perennial with individual male and female plants, like no other plant in the world! Calling it a weed is simply incorrect. Bamboo is a fast growing nuisance of a plant, but does anyone call it a weed? A little respect, please.. :hump:


Well-Known Member
And, where does this "it's a weed" stuff keep coming from? "Weed" is a generic term used to describe a plant that is fast growing and is a nuisance. There is no species or category of plants termed weeds! It is a unique perennial with individual male and female plants, like no other plant in the world! Calling it a weed is simply incorrect. A little respect, please..
Relax, 99% of the problems are caused by inexperienced growers and Internet myth spreaders treating this "PLANT" like it's something special. It is not special. When I say "weed", I mean it grows like a weed and requires little assistance. It doesn't need or require our respect.



I am quite relaxed, thank you. Very relaxed, actually. But, we can diagree all the same regarding the respect part and the free use of the term since it connotes something that appears to grow the same whether it's stressed or unstressed. Certainly, we can agree that this is not true because in the former, a stressed plant does not grow as fast or well as an unstressed plant does. And, by the free use of this term one runs the risk of creating just another kind of myth as the one you seem to think is the cause of so many failures. I simply find it illogical, unfactual & misleading - which it is.


Well-Known Member
The reason it's called a weed is because if thrown into a ditch, it will grow like a weed. To treat the plant with kid gloves promotes the myth that marijuana needs something more than any other plant.

Marijuana just needs the basics like any weed in the yard, food, light, water, and air. If you think I'm exaggerating, Google marijuana nutrient products: 2 million four hundred thousand results. That's capitalism and kids that think a bottle of snake oil will make a difference. Gardening experience makes a difference.