Update: 5 leaves!


Well-Known Member
it looks small for 5 weeks i made the same mistake with mine if your on a budget get a few cfls and hang them really close to the plant like 2 inches away and it will bush up


Active Member
Whats size pot is that anyway? A really rough estimate rule is about 1 gallon per 1ft of growth, although I've seen plenty of examples where that rule was turned on its head; I wouldn't start those other small seedlings too close for too long to the plant, her roots probably are going to grow to the wall of each side of the container, tangling up those seedlings roots. I did do this early on too didn't have any problems with roots getting balled up starting em in one pot. I'm not sure if you had a original thread around here anywheres or not, the search function is broke :/ so i couldnt figure out what your lights are ect.

Mine was underfed and overwatered, transplanted late and shes 12ish inches, bout 10 LST'd @ 48 days old :/ lol.


Well-Known Member
Definately get the lights closer and she will take off, i had mine 2" from the top with a small fan blowing and it get bushy real quick :)


Well-Known Member
okay a few things, looks like your overwatering, I personally only mist to clean her ...looks like you are foliage feeding (spraying leafs with water), and watering your soil, #2 what kind of soil are you using? Is it Just plain soil? also I would pull all the little plants, you do not want roots to get entwined, # 3 looks stretched, is this outside or inside? also Is this just a bagseed? also give use some info, the more you tell us the more we can help.. but healthy so far, jus keep growing, only way Anyone will get better Is practice, you can read all day and it will help but you gotta get your hands dirty!, Keep it up!!!! one love
She is pretty ...imo agree with other guy lil overwatering..i growed in dirt for 20 yrs jus made jump to bubbleponics night and day comparison to quickness and if you get good info to start...dwc or bubble will make ur jaw drop from results...goood luck with her....!