What's the craziest thing youve done to help grow your plants? (indoor/outdoor)

Hello fello stoners and stonettes if any of you have read my posts in the grow room section youll know that i had plants growing indoors but due to the risk of losing my current relationship i had to move them to my buddys that grows. Well last saturday me and him hungout and i had my seeds (from middies, but they work all the same) so we decided that its still early enough that if we planted them we may get something out of it. So behind his house is a bunch of hills and wooded area with creeks running through it, we decided we were going to go out into the hills and find our spot. We get to this hillside where the light could shine through the canopy of the trees and decided to plant them there. After planting the seeds i looked over and there was this tree about 7 or 8 inches in diameter that was still blocking the light a bit. This is after we had already smoked up, so I came up with great idea that if we had a hatchet and hacksaw we could take it down to let the light hit our plants better. So we walk back to his house get a hatchet and hacksaw and go back up, at the top of the hill we planted on and on the top of the hill across the little creek there are houses and there was a guy cutting his grass on the hill across from us. (there were enough trees to block most of peoples view to see down to us) So we start hacking at the tree with the hatchet and the thud was echoing through the woods and every so often the guy would turn off his mower like he could hear us chopping down this random fucking tree to grow our plants. lol :lol: Although, after a little while of hiding in case he tried to look for us and stopping when hed shut off the mower we finally cut it down. Felt like the craziest coolest achievement ever.
But tell me your craziest thing youve done to help grow your plants and keep tokin! :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I hung a photocopy of the sun in my room. Plants loved it! Lol I just did it as a joke for my buddies I work with.

seriously though for this beloved plant you will go above and beyond for its health and well being. Nice story it made me laugh picturing u guys in the woods with hatchet and stuff and the guy mowing the lawn in your Vacinity.


Well-Known Member
I put a fermentation bucket in the tent for Co2 production on a couple of grows....it was 2g bucket 1/2 full of sugar water, champaign yeast with a wine bubbler on top. Can't say it didn't work as I got nice yields. It was kind-of cool hearing the thing burb every now and then, releasing gas.


Well-Known Member
Craziest thing I've done to help my plants grow is sign up at rollitup.org :eyesmoke:

Great original thread again :razz:


Well-Known Member
back when i was new to DWC, I heard bleach helped sterilize the rez. So I just poured a bunch in, few days later all my plants were dead :)


Well-Known Member
we consummate our love over every new female.
To let them know that they're fucked eventually.

For real though ... I set up an elaborate hrydro system, spent hundreds on soil-less medium, lights, nutrients, fans, and invested dozens of hours on each plant. I dunno about you, but, most people I know don't like spending money on, spending time with, and raising, their own kids... I did it all for a plant. Pretty fuckin' crazy.

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
craziest shit I ever did was take my plants out of my house because my girlfriend said I had to.

Oh wait.... that was you.


Well-Known Member
i put concerts on, classical,deathcore,hardcore, punk,goth, metalcore, idm, ebm, ambient, electronica, electro, celtic.


Well-Known Member
I use milk in my nute mix. I learned that from fin. Its the hotness. I put that shit on everything now.