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  1. 2013

    Space Herm 4000

    Oh yeah if there's any thing you want to say go ahead but keep it under 450 characters, thank you.
  2. 2013

    Space Herm 4000

    These are my herms which are currently early into flower. I've been up for a really long time so I'm just going to put up a few pics I took this morning and add stuff tomorrow.
  3. 2013

    Flowering the Bitch Week 1

    It’s not, I was just thinking about slowly vegging a few plants and was curious. I’m only on my second grow and I didn’t really give a fuck the first time so I’m still trying to figure this shit out myself. It’s the blind leading the blind but I would probably cut...
  4. 2013

    Flowering the Bitch Week 1

    What was the wattage of the CFL you used for veg? I'm still a fuck up myself so I can't tell why your leaves are dying but I'm pretty sure you shouldn't have that many dying.
  5. 2013

    600w Apollo Ballast

    I'm using one and although it's not too quiet my fans are a bigger noise problem than the ballast. When I shut the door with just the ballast on you won't be able to hear it at all. I can't speak on the longevity because I haven't had it that long but the reviews online don't seem too bad. The...
  6. 2013

    Army ranger moth?

    What is this? All I know is it's wearing camouflage and looks like it has a wiener. It looks like a moth but this mother fuck has been sitting on my plant for like five hours now and is starting to worry me
  7. 2013

    Pre-sexing in vegetative stage

    Cut him down and feed him to the cat.
  8. 2013

    Fruity weed

    Afterwards and even then you probably want your bud on the drier end. All that happens is the bud absorbs the moisture from whatever you use and takes in the some of the smell and flavor with it. Within a few days of taking out the slice of whatever you used it will stay hydrated but the smell...
  9. 2013

    Fruity weed

    Just put a small slice in a bag with your weed for a day or two. You've probably bought re-hydrated weed several times without knowing it. People usually just do it to add a little weight because the smell and flavor doesn't last too long. I seen a guy that added fruity pepples in with his bud...
  10. 2013

    My plants sick...duhhh its the PH

    Yeah I'm only on my second grow and my first one was less than stellar but I've known many people growing plants in soil over the years and I don't think any of them tested the PH of their soil. Grow sites are full of cunt bag know it alls that think because they've successfully grown a couple...
  11. 2013

    Blue-ish tinted Plastic cover on reflector

    Yeah I don't know why I thought it might servesome purpose but I did. I feel better after seeing there is a decent amount ofother idiots out there after my google search. At least I didn't go halfwayinto flowering like a few people I saw. I have a lap in common sense every oncein a while, no big...
  12. 2013

    Two plants from one seed?

    I had two roots pop out from one seed about a month ago. I just figured it couldn't be good and threw it away before I had a chance to see if it would have been two separate plants.