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  1. L


    welllll.... that is original if NOTHING else.
  2. L

    Poor Poor Florida...

    yeah, florida is a backwards ass hillbilly southern baptist redneck hick ass fuck and squeal like a pig state. Im from cali and i moved to FL. Its fucking retarded down here. The beach is nice, but the people are fucking retarded. Stupid white bread hilly fuckers.
  3. L

    Comments Needed Please!<---- Newb

    My plants are 3 weeks and 11 inches. =/
  4. L

    10/14 lighting in the last 3 weeks.

    Agreed. + REP A bit harsh... but true.
  5. L

    10/14 lighting in the last 3 weeks.

    It doesnt work. Jeez.
  6. L

    ok does this look stupid?

    you have a really nice lawn man. wish i had an outdoor grow space like that. Im closet growing =/
  7. L

    CFL 5-1/2 week flowering is this hermie?>

    on3tim3only is only good for argueing and wrong advice. The fool is worthless if you want anything else.
  8. L

    What is wrong with my Baby!!!pics inc

    The leaves dont droop cause of the new buds.