10/14 lighting in the last 3 weeks.


Active Member
Like Obi one said...it has to work I tried it on a WW grow for the last week 10 hours then for the last five days no light at all and I had alot of resin...

But seriously think about you are artificially tricking the plant to adapt to it's enviroment...it's main goal is to put out sticky THC filled bud...okay so if you chop the lights even more....she goes oh shit....I gotta produce....say with Humidity keep it under 50% 40-45% ideally and you'll get way better trichome development....WORD!!!


Well-Known Member
Like Obi one said...it has to work I tried it on a WW grow for the last week 10 hours then for the last five days no light at all and I had alot of resin...
Im not saying it doesnt work or anything, but how does it have to work cause you did that and your WW had alot of resin? I have a lot of resin on mine now and im not doing it.


Well-Known Member
Im not saying it doesnt work or anything, but how does it have to work cause you did that and your WW had alot of resin? I have a lot of resin on mine now and im not doing it.
Dude, in two of your other post's.... you said.

"It doesn't work".. and in the other you said "it still doesnt work."

Just try it inthe last 10 days on your next grow, and you maybe suprised... or maybe you wont notice anything at all. After all we are dealing with nature here, it really does make sense that it should help with resin production.



Well-Known Member
The only acceptable change to the lighting schedule in flower is to go 13on/11off, or if you are really daring is 14on/10off.

You want them to get more light not less.


Well-Known Member
The only acceptable change to the lighting schedule in flower is to go 13on/11off, or if you are really daring is 14on/10off.

You want them to get more light not less.
I think it really depends, on your situation/strain ect.....

I have read in a few reputable grow books now, that giving more darkeness will speed up the ripening process.


Well-Known Member
I am also interested in altering photo period and bought a jardin dr15o to do some tests.I read about an expariment using 6/12 Anyone heard of this?


Well-Known Member
The only acceptable change to the lighting schedule in flower is to go 13on/11off, or if you are really daring is 14on/10off.

You want them to get more light not less.
Dont mess with 12/12 unless it is what is suggested above.

unless you want to raise low producing, hermied plants.


Active Member
man what is up every info i find i can find conflictin advice elsewhere same site sometimes!!!!!trial error research trial error research!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
More light is what would cause the hermi in flowering, not less light. In nature the days do NOT stay the same thoughout the season. We have what you call winter & summer solctace... So, as you grow later into the year your days get shorter and shorter. The shortening days increase the urgency of the plant to finish its reproductive cycle.


Well-Known Member
Dude, in two of your other post's.... you said.

"It doesn't work".. and in the other you said "it still doesnt work."

Just try it inthe last 10 days on your next grow, and you maybe suprised... or maybe you wont notice anything at all. After all we are dealing with nature here, it really does make sense that it should help with resin production.

Dude!, Lay off the hash for a while, that wasnt me , I never said it didnt work, LOL. But in the subject of this, I think the yield would be affected. With 10/14, thats 2 hours less light a day than 12/12. In a week that adds up to 14 hours! Thats a whole day a week of less light just to get some resin.


Well-Known Member
Dude!, Lay off the hash for a while, that wasnt me , I never said it didnt work, LOL. But in the subject of this, I think the yield would be affected. With 10/14, thats 2 hours less light a day than 12/12. In a week that adds up to 14 hours! Thats a whole day a week of less light just to get some resin.
Sorry dude. Got you confused with the my only response is "it doesnt work" guy. LOL.

Anyway, you right if you started 10/14 to early into flower it would reduce yield. But the last 2 weeks of flower is mainly the plant pushing its resin production and "finishing" more so then "growing".

This "could" help finish off a plant sooner or stronger then a full 12/12 cycle all they through.

I'm trying it, so I guess I will know soon enough. There is some credible information i have found to support the 10/14 light cycle.




Active Member
When ever I want to put my plants back to a vegative state I give them more light.
So how could that help? (unless you like hermi seeds in your bud)


Well-Known Member
Or you guys could raise your humidity then drop it real low the last 2-3 weeks of flower to prevent mold, and it will increase your resin production substantially:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Why the hell would he bother giving you proof? HE doesnt owe you shit. Im sick of people making demands. You arent paying for anyones help or input so shut the fuck up with your stupid demands.
Yan no proof, just blurt out that it doesnt work, throw in some bad words so you look tuff... and go back to your little closet grow.

....There are many credible people who say it works, do I know for sure yet? NO thats why i'm trying it.
