10/14 lighting in the last 3 weeks.


Well-Known Member
I just read the big book of buds, and for White Widow, Greenhouse said to turn the lights to 8 hours on the last two weeks to stop growth and put more resin on. So lots of conflicting things


Well-Known Member
I just read the big book of buds, and for White Widow, Greenhouse said to turn the lights to 8 hours on the last two weeks to stop growth and put more resin on. So lots of conflicting things
I Cant debate that cause i don't mess with my light schedules,But its proven that humidity can increase or decrease resin production:blsmoke: keep it high until the final 2-3 weeks of growth and your buds will get really frosty:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
thats what i am doing... and my buds are beginning to frost beautifully at day 24 of flower.

check it out
Another satisfied customer:blsmoke: If your outdoors spray your plants down with a hose or mister or w/e about 3 hours before it gets totally dark and i guarantee that will also help.:blsmoke:

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
For my 2 pennies, it is a worthy experiment. The science seems to support the idea. As was mentioned earlier - most do not want to gamble. Anyone that would undertake this is a hero in my book. I have 9 plants that are just starting the 3rd week of flowering. I am so tempted to try the new light schedule, but fear the risk I may be taking. I also do not have the luxury of 2 flowering spaces to run a side by side experiment. The other side of it is that I know what my clones do in a regular cycle and the change should be noticable. I will ponder this and follow along. Maybe I will summon the courage to try this. It should take couch lock to a new level.

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
I will report here and in my journal. About 2 weeks away.

Had some problems yesterday, for no reason my hps blew out- and left me with no light for at least 4 hours, so plants may have gone longer than 8/16 yesterday... Switching to my MH bulb until the hps gets shipped here, so my variables are getting skewed- i am pissed.

But my cola's are getting dense as hell!!!


Well-Known Member
I've read that it increasing the Dark hours WILL increase resin productions howevcer it will DECREASE the potency of the bud (resin).

As someone rightly said earlier, the Cannabinoids in the resin glands breakdown during the plants dark cycle, however THC is the largest/most complex of the molecules, so Cannabinoids DON'T breakdown into THC, THC breaksdown into Cannabinoids (none of which are even nearly as psychoactive as TCH).

I'll try and find where I read that as I can't remember right now.

However if you look up the wikipedia entry for Cannabinoids you can see what THC breakdown to.


Well-Known Member
For my 2 pennies, it is a worthy experiment. The science seems to support the idea. As was mentioned earlier - most do not want to gamble. Anyone that would undertake this is a hero in my book. I have 9 plants that are just starting the 3rd week of flowering. I am so tempted to try the new light schedule, but fear the risk I may be taking. I also do not have the luxury of 2 flowering spaces to run a side by side experiment. The other side of it is that I know what my clones do in a regular cycle and the change should be noticable. I will ponder this and follow along. Maybe I will summon the courage to try this. It should take couch lock to a new level.

Most do not need to Gamble, because This has been tested a million times by the likes of george cervantes, ed rosenthal, ect It is already a tried and tested fact that 12/12 works GREAT, where as all the others fail.

With the exception of some amsterdam grower guy I posted a link of who say up the light to 14 on/ 10 off in the last three weeks.


Well-Known Member
You could lower the hours of light to finish them of faster. Yield would suffer, but they would be done sooner.


Active Member
I'm at day 50 and I've been lowering the light over the last week from 12 to 10 and 1/2. A friend of mine lowers his to 8 hrs and he says it helps the plants ripen faster. I'm gonna goto 10, I'll let you guys know if crystal production picks up over the next week or two.

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
lol its not a myth- you guys keep referencing cervantes' but he supports this.

I have watched videos where he himself says to lower light, and do a dark harvest- or harvest before light comes on.

Marijuana man also supports lowering light to some degree.

And finally Arjan lowers lights with some of his indica varites....

Its not a myth its an option, and there is no reason to kill science... its like destroying evolution- so you believe in creationism its cool man, but lowering the light works for many. And I haven't heard much referencing to lowering yield.

What I have heard to do is to cut light to 10 or 8 depending on variety for weeks 6-8, then going week 9 for 12-14 depending on cockyness. This will trigger them to milk up great from 6-8, then amber up for 9. But thats just my opinion and what i have read and heard testimonial style.

No matter the fact, i dont think people should be told its not true. If anything the contrary- people should try it, and report it on the threads such as this one that talk about that.

I rep your behavior russ, for science let us know how it goes.

for science,