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  1. F

    Read If You Have Dirt

    No, I'm Saying That You Water Your Dirt Using The Spary But Keep The Dunk In The 2 Gallon Spray Jug To Kill The Larve In The Dirt, Mosquito Dunks Are Safe To Plants, If You Do This For 2 Weeks You Should Have No Gnats And You Can Keep Watering Your Plants With The Spray If You Get The Head With...
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    Read If You Have Dirt

    I See A Lot Of People Having Gnat Problems With Dirt, Here Is A Simple Solution. Go Buy A 2 Gallon Spray Bottle With A Mist Head Then Add Your Nuts Then Put In A Mosquito Dunk In There Too. And Water For About 2 Weeks Your Gnats Will Go Away. Mosquito Dunk Eats The Larve.... And Its Easy To...
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    Best Equipment?

    Hi, I Still Say The Best Think To Do Is Go Down To Your Hydro-store In Town And Talk To Those Guys,they Won't Steer You Wrong Because They Know You Will Be Back. I Talk To My Hydro Guys At Least Once Every Two Weeks, They Have Been So Much Help. They Even Let Me Try Stufff Out Before I Buy It...
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    1 gallon pots & root bound?

    One Foot For Every Gallon Of Dirt In A Pot,and Some Of Those Strains You Can Pre-sex. Once They Have 5 To 6 Nodes On The Main Stem You Can See What There Going To Be. If You Need To Find Out About Pre-flowering Check Out Robert Clarke's Book On Marijauna Botany. And You Pre-sex It Saves Time...
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    HTG Supply gets big PROPS

    i think people need to go down to the hdryo-store and look at the quality of good equipment. FOR A FEW BUCKS MORE YOU GET QUALITY.
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    Carbon Odor Sock vs Can Filters

    The Can Is A True Filter, The Sock Is Not A True Carbon Filter. Ask Your Hdyro Store. Those Socks You Have To Wash Once Month And There Not That Good. Get The Can.
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    A Test Of Leds

    Ok I Picked Up A Ufo Led Today At Good Price From My Hdro Store Today. I"m Putting Two Plants Under It That Have Been Growing For 10 Days With Cfl's. These Are Easy Plants To Grow 1 44 And 1 K2...
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    when to clone

    First I want to thank everyone in here for the help. My question is they say to clone your plant it should be 2 months old is that from the seedly grow our do they mean from veg grow.
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    tempture question

    thanks everyone for the help. theres just so much to read and you never can tell. THanks again
  10. F

    tempture question

    I have juststarted out and every thing is going good except for my tempture it is in the range of 78 to 81 degrees with the lites on and about 65 to 68 with the lites off. I was wondering if this will be all rite.