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  1. H

    dead plants with pic, please help :(

    There is no MUST with lights, unless you're flowering in which case you must have 12 hours of darkness, everything else is optional, but 18 on 6 off is the most used for vegging, and 12/12 for flowering, I had 9 little ones under 2 x 20 watt cfls and they looked great, they are now on 3rd week...
  2. H

    Any of what strain this may be

    The fuel taste makes me think sour diesel, could be wrong though, never tried it, but diesel is a fuel and sour diesel is a strain so 2+2 = 347?
  3. H

    Water issue - advice needed please Gurus

    I honestly didn't realise that, i thought as it sat in pots, ph went up. I'll definitely remember that and start checking run off I misread it lol when i mixed nutes in it dropped to 5.9
  4. H

    Water issue - advice needed please Gurus

    To be honest guys, I really have no idea what is in my water that makes it useless, I live on a mountain in Wales, but it appears to be chav central. (It's housing estates built into a mountain) The views are great but the water is shit, even tastes strange. It's classified as soft water, but i...
  5. H

    Water issue - advice needed please Gurus

    Right First of all my water is useless, whenever i use it, I just get issue after issue after issue, my water is 0.16ec from tap ph 7-7.3, by process of elimination we discovered my water just cannot keep plants growing, unsure what's in it and I don't want to raise flags by ringing water...
  6. H

    is it possible to revive this or what??

    Looking at pic 2 I would say temps when lights are off, mine is also in an attic and I'm way up on a mountain so always windy and cold, What I did to solve it was adjusted lights to run at night when it's coldest and go off in the day when it's warmest, also try changing your bulb? newest one...
  7. H

    Am i paranoide or are these ladies having some issues?

    I've got 9 Trainwreck 6 days into flowering really excited about them too!
  8. H

    Omg yo help me save my babies

    Pics would be really helpful here mate, if you can try and upload one, without seeing the plant people will just be guessing and may make a wrong call, If it is mold you need to find out what is causing it, Gives the pro's here a headstart buy posting more info basically as much as you can tell...
  9. H

    Need a bit of help please (PICS)

    It's all good mate, I didn't take offence or anything, I just honestly didn't know any better, To be honest I went into this way too blindly and am now having to try and learn how to do it while keeping them going, abd there is a LOT to learn lol ***EDIT I've given them a 1.0 EC Feed with no...
  10. H

    Need a bit of help please (PICS)

    Because i don't know any better yet, but I'm learning, I'm going to give them a 1.0 EC feed and look for signs of improvement, if not I'll be back! I'll try just A & B as you suggested, I'll post some more pics when I notice a change for better or worse hopefully for the better though
  11. H

    Need a bit of help please (PICS)

    Right guys, after a few google searches I've found that soft water is basically swapping calcium and magnesium for sodium and potassium My next question would be, is the potassium in my feed too high? I have canna A & B here too with an npk of 5-4-3 which would suit soft water better? I know my...
  12. H

    Need a bit of help please (PICS)

    Unfortunately, my water and feed make things complicated, I bought magne-cal as a last resort because there just wasn't enough magnesium in there, Which this stuff has sorted, but maybe i've over did it with it and under did it with the A & B
  13. H

    Need a bit of help please (PICS)

    Just checking we're on the same page here, I don't add water softener, it's just that way out of the tap, is there a way to "Harden" my water safely? I followed their feeding chart first time and it killed them
  14. H

    Need a bit of help please (PICS)

    PPM 500 is 400PPM PPM 700 is 560PPM I don't know how PPM works to be honest, i just converted that off a Bluelab Truncheon.... Am i being too cautious with the nutes? Basically first grow (This is second) I followed the feed chart from dutch pro and well.............killed them, so maybe I'm...
  15. H

    Need a bit of help please (PICS)

    Right, My ladies are doing so well, and I'm at a loss as to what it is, leaves are going yellow then brown/blackish patches and are also very brittle, I'm unsure as to what it is! Setup: 9 GH Trainwreck - 6 weeks into veg 1.2mx1.2 meter tent 600w HPS in a cooltube 6" outlet connected to...
  16. H

    Nutrient questions

    Cheers guys, I think what I'm going to do is take cuttings use canna on half dutch pro on half and see which produces best results, I've Added rep to both of you, cheers again guys
  17. H

    Nutrient questions

    Hi guys, I'm using dutch pro A & B (5-2-7 NPK Got the values from dutch pro) I'm getting a LOT of issues with it, would changing Canna A & B harm them? They are about 6 weeks into veg, all GH TrainWreck, I'm using a 600w hps with a cooltube on and a 400w hps which went on saturday, 6" outlet...
  18. H

    Dutch Pro NPK Values

    After a number of issues with deficiencies and no clue as to what was in my bottles, I emailed dutch pro and got this file with the values and thought i'd share as they are hard to find
  19. H

    Will a raised pH make leaves light green?

    Keep adding ph'd water to bring the PH down in the bucket or you could end up with a lot of issues ( i learnt that the hard way), 5.8-6-2 is fine in hempy, from what I've been told by other hempy growers here, try that first maybe do 5.5 ph to bring it down? are you adding nutrients? they won't...
  20. H

    Plant issues, unsure what they are though

    I upped the calmag dose as you advised, also, my bulb needed changing, I'm not going to drill holes yet because The root system is building nicely, I've uncovered the tops of the pots, but they are looking much better already, a lot perkier, I'll post pics in a week and see if you can notice a...