dead plants with pic, please help :(


Well-Known Member
worm castings are for adding to the soil u already have. don't plant seeds in it. u can probably mix the soil you got with the worm castings and be better off than without the castings. its not the best way but cannabis is a weed. you should be ok. got any perlite? to make the mix lighter? and better drained. you can even use grit, silt or sand. you'll still get some nice dank. it's not rocket science.


Active Member
There is no MUST with lights, unless you're flowering in which case you must have 12 hours of darkness, everything else is optional, but 18 on 6 off is the most used for vegging, and 12/12 for flowering, I had 9 little ones under 2 x 20 watt cfls and they looked great, they are now on 3rd week of flowering and looking fantastic,under 1000w hps now, Lights should be ok for about 2-3 weeks in my opinion, but that soil looks horrible, change that, do a lot of reading on how to care for them and you should be ok.

Happy Growing from Wales and good luck


New Member
guys , I like you all for these kindly answers and cares.... :) I wanted to ask you for the last issue that is measurement , is it fine that I mix my ex soil with the worm compost ? could you please give me the percent ? 30 % soil and 70 % worms ? is it gonna be ok ?


Well-Known Member
your last soil is no good. you need to find a light airy soil similar to peat moss or coconut coir. your looking for what we call in america potting soil. your soil compacts to much which doesnt allow air to move threw the soil into the root zone. also it sort of looks like theres a lot of clay.

the problem with clay is as i mentioned it compacts also clay particles hold on to water really tight and it is hard for your plants roots to pull the water away from it.

you will want to find the potting soil. if you have too many problems locating it message back in a few days an i will try and find another solution for you.