Nutrient questions


Active Member
Hi guys, I'm using dutch pro A & B (5-2-7 NPK Got the values from dutch pro) I'm getting a LOT of issues with it, would changing Canna A & B harm them?

They are about 6 weeks into veg, all GH TrainWreck, I'm using a 600w hps with a cooltube on and a 400w hps which went on saturday, 6" outlet on a controller at just over half power, 4" intake, pedestal fan on slow setting, humidifier with a RH of about 35%-50% also, temps are about 27 celcius I water every 2-3 days depending on how dry they are

I'm growing in 15L hempy buckets in a single tent

All help appreciated

Cheers guys and gals

EDIT**** dutch pro has more nitrogen in flowering nutes withan npk of 6-2-7, I was under the impression they needed less in flowering not more?


Well-Known Member
Different companies use different formulas of course. No company uses the same proportions, but most work well if feeding instructions are followed Always test your solution for proper PPM readings for what you want to do, not what the manufacturer thinks you want. I use BC products personally as I found them to be uncomplicated and very effective. I wouldn't change them in the middle of bloom, but you should be ok now. Good luck.


Active Member
Cheers guys, I think what I'm going to do is take cuttings use canna on half dutch pro on half and see which produces best results, I've Added rep to both of you, cheers again guys