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  1. O

    30 days into flowering what you think????

    temps are kinda up there with the lights on but i run co2 they are around 80 - 85 but the guy at the hydro store said i should be alright as long as i co2 but im going to upgrade in FEW WEEKS WHEN THIS IS DONE add another inline fan and a few more fans to move the air i ran out of money this go...
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    30 days into flowering what you think????

    Thanx alot i just needed to raise my lights up
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    30 days into flowering what you think????

    i agree on the heat issues i only have 1 fan i need another but the old brown spots was from the 1st week i'm in the 5th now those are all the pics from all 30 days the ones with no buds was the 1st week
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    30 days into flowering what you think????

    here are more i think they are backwards
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    30 days into flowering what you think????

    Whats going on everyone i'm going to post pics from when i started flower to now 30 days in i didnt not veg after buying clones just took a week to transition before going full 12/12 they started bad but i think im ending pretty well from where i started and they are swallowing nutes now this is...
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    Need help!! Hydro (pics inside)

    here i am 30 days flowering what do you think
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    Hello i need help with my nuts botanicare pure blend pro soil

    what you are using is fine and do what he said
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    Week Six...getting close.

    are you growing sativa dominant strains ? they take a longer flower period
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    Week Six...getting close.

    go another month
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    Space Dawg day 66 pics. First Timer

    looking good i hope mine looks like that in a few weeks its day 22 of my flower cycle how you think im looking
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    Cycle 3 for all those who didnt believe last

    okay now it sounds realistic
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    First time Hydroponics

    you said he would have to start over meaning his res or his entire grow? to my knowledge algae doesnt affect the plants besides taking oxygen from the water
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    Need help!! Hydro (pics inside)

    thanx dude i kinda figured they wouldn't come back
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    Need help!! Hydro (pics inside)

    and this is last night just 2days later after i upped my ppm i think im going into my 4th week strong set my ppm at 1800 2days ago check 2day its at 1225 ph was up at 6.2 so i lowered back to 5.8 got a new ph meter and things been greener plus i raised lights up they were too close
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    Need help!! Hydro (pics inside)

    here are them after 2wks flowering like 3rd day into 3rd wk
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    Cycle 3 and the end of cycle 2 yield :)

    lmao even your journal entries look fake, looks like each pic has a different set up
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    Cycle 3 and the end of cycle 2 yield :)

    still i have had that set up and it really isn't that strong plus plants producing buds the size you're saying roots will clog that entire system you would have to constantly trip which in doing will end up with less yield, no matter what your lighting was your system would not support, im not...
  18. O

    the bright side of my first grow

    you can clone but you may cut down what is already a small yield to an even smaller yield but its not a bad idea it will be a couple grams either way. and dont worry stay at it I've had my ups and downs in my trials too, just today is was a blackout in the middle of the lights on period and im...
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    Hello i need help with my nuts botanicare pure blend pro soil

    with those never follow the directions like budz said feed as need start with very low dose less than 1/4 of what the directions say or you will prolly end up with burn, gradually boost up the nutrient amount the plants will tell you what they need