Space Dawg day 66 pics. First Timer


Well-Known Member
Wow newb, that thing looks awesome!

Like seriously, most first timers can't get passed the first couple weeks of flower without nearly or completely killing it.

I bet you read the stickies, lol.

Thanks man. And yeah, I definitely read a lot before I started. And I started like everyone over worrying and what not. Finally just let her grow. I'll upload more pics in the next week or so. I have a Jack the Ripper that's twice as impressive, she's just not quite ready.


Well-Known Member
Thanks again for all the response. And to answer your question ninja, I did minimal trimming right before I threw her into flower. Other than that, I just let her grow. I'm going to do more pruning next time around. And I love the smart pots.

Pic of my super sticky trim. I can't wait to make some type of hash.

