the bright side of my first grow


Active Member
As some of you know, my two indoor plants are not doing so well, and might just end up dead :'(.

On the bright side, I have a plant outdoors, seems to be doing decently. (Much better than the two indoors).

Was told its some kind of purp. hoping to get something decent off this lil baby.

Should I LST it or just let it keep growing, especially since its outdoors on 12/12..... (flowering)

Hows this baby looking to you guyss



Active Member
Also, would it be ok to clone one of the stems at this point and bring it inside to veg and get nice a fat since my other two plants my not make anything...?


no you shouldn't clone and you probaly should have waited b4 flowering looks like it would have been a great plant


Active Member
I got the plant 4 days ago, and it had been outside the hole time.

Thats why I was thinking about cloning it. If the mother plant was so nice, was thinking if I could clone it, and get a nice yield off of the clone, since this probably wont yield to much. couple grams probably if anything with the luck ive been having.


you can clone but you may cut down what is already a small yield to an even smaller yield but its not a bad idea it will be a couple grams either way. and dont worry stay at it I've had my ups and downs in my trials too, just today is was a blackout in the middle of the lights on period and im in my 2nd week of flowering i hope they are alright but if not im right back at it


Active Member
Yea, I know its already a small yield so I wasnt going to be to worried about making it a bit smaller, if it meant I could get the same strain again with a better yeild at least.

If I clone this, I will plant my Afghan Kush seed and grow them both out.


Well-Known Member
As long as your plant is only about 3 weeks flower you can clone but it will take a while for it to root....but when you do you can re-veg it and supposedly being put back into veg your yield will increase when it finishes flower


Active Member
o yeaa??

Thats nicee.

But, I suppose since the plant was grown outside 12/12 since germination its past 3 weeks into flower, huh? lol

would it be that bad of an idea to clone it?

no chance of life?


Well-Known Member
Their may be a chance it'll survive if you clone...but the closer to harvest the less likely. You should ask your friend how long it was outside


Active Member
The first two plants I thought were going to die seem like they got alot of
Fight left in them. Haven't touched them in 2 days, they look much greener
most of the white spots are gone and I plucked the dead yellow leaves. Though they
Do look better, they still look very sad.

I realize what was wrong.

the plants were planted outdoors for their hole lives. I got them a week ago and first thing I do is transplant them, and bring them inside under a 18/6 cycle. The stress and shock from being transplanted and brought back to veg after
Their hole lives was enough. Then I got the bugs. .and sprayed my babies with chemicals.

Now, they are actually looking like their may be life after alll


Well-Known Member
Good to hear one wants a dead plant. Yeah i would just let them chill a couple more weeks and just give PHed water, you are vegging them right?


Active Member
Yes, I'm veging them.

All the pistols have shriveled up n died.
thats bc I put then back into veging, right?


Well-Known Member
u can reveg the whole thing. mb u would be better off becuz you aren't gonna get more than a few grams outta this grow. after a month or so of 18/6 you'll see lots of new growth that you can take cuttings of. then you'll have more to play with. seems a waste to flower that plant out if you're only gonna yield a few grams. that's my humble advice. good luck:)


Active Member
u can reveg the whole thing. mb u would be better off becuz you aren't gonna get more than a few grams outta this grow. after a month or so of 18/6 you'll see lots of new growth that you can take cuttings of. then you'll have more to play with. seems a waste to flower that plant out if you're only gonna yield a few grams. that's my humble advice. good luck:)

Its not to late to re veg this? Its already got full blown buds on it.


Well-Known Member
Never to late to i said, if i were you i'd pluck all those little buds off that are ripe and even the top one if you want....then put the plant under 18/6