30 days into flowering what you think????


Whats going on everyone i'm going to post pics from when i started flower to now 30 days in i didnt not veg after buying clones just took a week to transition before going full 12/12 they started bad but i think im ending pretty well from where i started and they are swallowing nutes now this is my first solo grow ive done one with a partner and my other solo was raided but here i am



Well-Known Member
they look pretty good, but I think you might have heat isses. The leaves are curling upwards, which is a tell for heat problems. What are your heat and humidty levels?

edit...looking at the second batch of pics....you've got some other problems with the brown spots and twisting...you should lay out all your details...nute line, ppm's or ec, ph, everything. Maybe someone can catch whats wrong before it gets worse. Hydro problms get bad fast.


Well-Known Member
Yes, you have heat issues. The amount of water and nutes the plants take up will increase with high heat because of transpiration. Control the heat and yield will increase.


i agree on the heat issues i only have 1 fan i need another but the old brown spots was from the 1st week i'm in the 5th now those are all the pics from all 30 days the ones with no buds was the 1st week


temps are kinda up there with the lights on but i run co2 they are around 80 - 85 but the guy at the hydro store said i should be alright as long as i co2 but im going to upgrade in FEW WEEKS WHEN THIS IS DONE add another inline fan and a few more fans to move the air i ran out of money this go round so i couldnt get it. i should have spent a litlle more wiser i ended up with a bunch of stuff im not even using smh but itll get used once i get a bigger spot to grow in


Had a problem in my first grow due to heat, saved a bit and for the next one. added to my set up 2 X 6" fan (1xL1 1xA1 from systemair) and a fan controller unit with a 16" pedestal fan for air movement and that have changed the whole story...my temp is around 26C-28C and my girls love it! didn't go for the CO2 system yet as I want to keep it as simple as I can but maybe in the future I will have a look at it.
Good luck anyway.