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    My theory of evolution

    That was sarcasm? Wow I was starting to get pulled right in. I mean it's no more preposterous than the typical bull shit that most all religions push. Praise be to J. Rex,

    How big do you think it'll get???

    Dude, time to let it flower. It would be a real shame if its male.

    My Organic Grow (Super Sliver Haze, Ak-47, Ice, & White Lightning)

    That's an organic soil grow? I do organic soil and rarely do I get close to looking like the "magazine cover" type photos of your grow. Looks like you're pretty handy with the camera too. I'm truly impressed and give this grow a ratings of four blunts ! :joint::joint::joint::joint:

    Thinning out the males (Early dectection)

    Think2toke is correct. You need the babies to flower for a short period before they will reveal their sex. I was able to make the call after only 6 or 7 days into flowering. Because of the EyeClops this has been the earliest I can remember detecting males.

    Thinning out the males (Early dectection)

    Had to thin out a few of the bad boys that snuck into the harem. For me it’s always been a very anxious decision on how long you need to wait for positive identification to crop down the males. (I am getting better at it.) EyeClops makes the decision easier because it helps to remove all doubt...

    Soil watering question

    I’m a big advocate of using organic nutrients and currently have a preference for Earth Juice. I found, overall, lightly feeding about once a week appears to be working well when growing in Fox Farm’s Ocean Forest. I water two or three times a week depending on need. It seems that many members...

    *BREAKING NEWS* Bills to LEGALIZE marijuana in Massachusetts - NOT JUST MEDICAL!!!

    I truly don't want to rain on anyone's parade but how about just a touch of reality here. You folks are way too stoned if you think this has a snowball's chance of becoming law. What is the average age of members on this forum? 14?

    Stealth Shipping?

    Skybike, First class mail within the USA carries very unique protection. Its guarded by the US Constitution, the Fourth Amendment! Federal Express can open any package they like and so can UPS but to open first class mail requires a federal search warrant. Many people do not realize this … so...

    My plants getting brown tips?

    Might be too much watering. Cut back on the h2o .

    Nirvana White Widow?

    I purchased Misty from Nirvana and I did get 100% germination but they're growing at a slower rate than I expected. I don't recomend using expanding peat pellets to start the seedlings. I think they may have stunted growth for the first few critical weeks. I've used the expanding peat in other...

    2nd time Grower looking for other autoflowers and guidance

    Best of luck, Trumpetblush, on your Lowryder grow. I’m kind of surprised on how little other forum members will comment on these auto-flowering strains. Some trash talk about low yield and potency and make snooty comments about diluting the gene pool. I can understand...

    GOD?!?! What the shit Derrek?

    I believe in the speed of light which is 299,792,458 meters per second. Everything else is just a bunch of horse shit.

    White Widow expert advice wanted

    I just pop Nirvana's "Misty" seeds in after germinating using the classic wet paper towel method. Kudos to Nirvana, I got 100% germination after only 48 hours. Also Nirvana’s stealth shipping sailed thru right to my front door in three days and arrived un-tampered. Misty is a...

    NORML Breaking News: California Assemblyman Introduces Legislation To Tax And Regulat

    Good for CA. I've been looking for a good excuse to use my Jet Blue credits...

    Sex experts wanted

    Thanks for the stright advice brothers. Deed is done and I'm in mourning.

    Jacks Surprise - ??????? - done in 42 days - ???????

    How long did you veg your plants? 42 days...good job!

    Sex experts wanted

    After fives days of a 12/12 cycle my tallest plant (45") is flowering. (Mixed bag) It looks male to me but do forum experts agree? How long can I wait before I must crop down?

    No longer a virgin

    Started 12/12 cycle 5 days ago. Tallest plant (45") is showing it's sex. I think its male but want some confirmation from forum experts. It looks like its about to flower. How long should I wait, to make sure its a he, before I chop down?

    Mylar, is it more effective??

    I picked up a few Coleman ‘survival blankets’ (AKA space blanket) in the camping section of a local K-Mart/Wal-Mart/Target type of store for $1.85 each. They were about 5 ft by 7.5 ft and three of them were just about the right size to cover everything but the door. They seem to...

    sending seeds thru mail

    The law concerning marijuana and the mail is similar to that regarding the government's eavesdropping on telephone conversations. Like the contents of a telephone conversation, the contents of a letter or package are considered private by most reasonable people. The Supreme Court has held that...