Mylar, is it more effective??


Well-Known Member
I have white poly. on my walls would i be better off with Mylar. will that result in more yield??i have a 600w HPSroom is 3x6x7..



Well-Known Member
no the white walls are just slightly less reflective. I am not sure the exact number but it is only like 2 percentiles less refllective so save the money and keep the white walls


Well-Known Member
i agree man. i have mylar in my veg box and poly in my flowering area. mylar is such a bitch to work with. it wrinkles. its so hard to clean. and IMO white poly works just as good. i have a 9x4x8 with 2 600s and the light penetration is enough to not even worry about reflection. save ur money.


Well-Known Member
yes mylar is better. but if i had to choose i would pick 6 mm panda plastic anyday. that shit is amazaing!


Active Member
I picked up a few Coleman ‘survival blankets’ (AKA space blanket) in the camping section of a local K-Mart/Wal-Mart/Target type of store for $1.85 each. They were about 5 ft by 7.5 ft and three of them were just about the right size to cover everything but the door. They seem to reflect a lot of light for about $5.50.