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  1. V

    Weird White Widow genetics or normal?

    Thanks guys, I was worried because I made a mistake during veg time, my first and only growth was a while ago and got confused (stupidly, I know) with the timing, I put them into 12/12 right away. Yet they grew, developed bud sites and got buuushy and they never changed light schedule. So I...
  2. V

    Weird White Widow genetics or normal?

    Also the buds were kind of wispy up until the last 3 weeks. Strange plant, I was worried about it but they really fattened up recently, been giving them full strength nutes for about a week now, a lot of fan leaves are or are starting to turn yellow, I figure maybe 2 more weeks and it's chop time.
  3. V

    Fat Buds

    I have a WW in last 2 weeks of flowering right now, when I put it in flowering the buds were wispy and small up until, I should say, the last 2-3 weeks. Just give it time, with careful feeding it should fatten up in a few weeks, be patient. I was freaking out a little myself but in the end...
  4. V

    Weird White Widow genetics or normal?

    This is my 2nd grow. I have 2 White Widows in hydro/dwc and one of the widows (seeds from the same source) is really strange. It did not form a single central cola, instead it's extremely bushy and uber vigorous, I had to stop it's growth b/c i was running out of vertical space. It's very bushy...
  5. V

    Ice and Afgani

    My first grow was Ice, very good plant, easy to grow. Had about 200-300g dry from 4 plants in hydro.
  6. V

    First grow almsot rdy for harvest.

    Seems a little too early to me. Check the trichomes with the radioshack microscope, if they're clear it's too early, if they're cloudy check for amber trichomes. Usually people harvest at like 70% cloudy and 30% amber.
  7. V

    Are these buds too small? (pics)

    cool thanks guys, i guess i'll wait until they fatten up! Man this shit makes me so paranoid, maybe i should stop smoking before i check on my girls ;)
  8. V

    Are these buds too small? (pics)

    Hey guys, I have a potential problem at hand, not sure if it is or not. To make long story short I, _very_ stupidly, put from seed to flower (12/12) directly. My first grow was long time ago and I got confused with he timing this time and thought it's the other way around. Anyway, I have 2...
  9. V

    150 MH light work for my grow room?

    Maybe throw some CFL there for a diff. spectrum to increase wattage/luments x sq2. I'd be worried about good ventilation though.
  10. V

    Take action on the new bills thru NORML now

    Heh, have either Obama or McCain expressed support for legalization ever? Unless it's Ron Paul (unlikely), I think the other two assholes will veto it. Freaking article was nuts, said that a weed user is arrested every 38 seconds in the US, and that there are more arrests for possession than...
  11. V

    does any one jump fences and steel weed?

    Damn, fucked up stories. The dude that stole from the woods probably recognized marijuana but didn't know enough to know it's premature. Should've gotten his Radioshack microscope :P
  12. V

    Take action on the new bills thru NORML now

    Read about this yesterday on CNN, sounds promising since it's on a federal level, but all the dry old farts in the Congress are going to veto this probably, and if it falls on W's desk, then it's surely gone. But on the other hand, hell yeah, this is a step in the right direction, I'm happy that...
  13. V

    pistils burning?

    Well, speaking from personal experience pistils on all of my 10 plants only came out once I put them in 12/12, thats when I saw male sacs and chopped them, not in veg. I read that it's rare a plant shows sex before flowering, but it's possible, I personally have never seen these pre-flowers...
  14. V

    pistils burning?

    Well, you want to get the plant mature before flowering it, to let it develop for the heavy buds that'll grow once it's in flowering, so you start with 18/6 for 4-6 weeks, then force flowering with 12/12 light schedule for 8-12 weeks, depending on strain. You're not supposed to see pistils...
  15. V

    pistils burning?

    At 78F, especially with CFL, unless it's physically touching the actual plant there's no way it should be burning, probably some weird genetics the plant's got.
  16. V

    fuck i missed..and..a male?

    Uh, is it in flowering? I mean, those don't look like balls to me, and the plant looks a little too young...
  17. V

    pistils burning?

    Well unless you're growing SOG I think it's generally accepted that it's a good idea to let the plant veg for at least a month before 12/12 it, but whatever works bro :)
  18. V


    Mmmm, I think that you read some sort of mutated myth or a badly explained technique of putting molasses or sugary nutes before harvesting, some people even put apple juice and stuff, though in hydro putting sugar would be a bad idea, no problem in soil probably.
  19. V

    Just harvested Ice. pics!

    Yeah the brown leaves are trimmed, but I was wondering how people trim, do you cut all the leaves out or just the big fan leaves? Cause the little leaves under the buds have so many trichs on them, feels like a waste to cut them off, though would probably make some good hash or cannabutter or...