Are these buds too small? (pics)


Active Member
Hey guys, I have a potential problem at hand, not sure if it is or not. To make long story short I, _very_ stupidly, put from seed to flower (12/12) directly. My first grow was long time ago and I got confused with he timing this time and thought it's the other way around.

Anyway, I have 2 female White Widows growing, and while they look super healthy and tall (one bitch doesn't stop growing, keeps getting taller, im running out of vertical space) I'm worried.

At this point I have them under 12/12 400W HPS, they're about 10 weeks old. PH is stable, using filtered water in self-built own hydro system. Using Flora Gro, Micro and Bloom from General Hydroponics.

What I don't know is whether these buds are going to get thicker, it seems all it's doing is making more wispy buds. I'm afraid that I fucked this girl up with the straight into flowering mode. She does look healthy and vigorous, but the buds are starting to worry me. Or am I being a paranoid stoner and I should wait another month or two before getting really worried? What you think, should I keep going with these two or cut my losses and start again?



Active Member
the plants look nice... very healthy...i would say give it some time...

do some research..there are plenty of articles on here about growing from seed 12/12, although i have never attempted..

good luck


Active Member
hi m8..done my frist grow.w/w..12/12..from seed.they will fatten me..had 400hps just wait and watch them grow....


Well-Known Member
The plant that is getting to high just bend the top round till its growing side ways.I had same problem with some arjons ultra haze these things are trees the problems that i had was i had to flower the mothers for 12 week at week 5 they was a long plant any way i watched the greenhouse dvd but the fucking thing was 9ft at 5 week,I had to train these 5 of them all same size i put 2 screws in each side of my grow room then i put i line across then tied the heads down now there gowing sideways im running out of room side ways fuck me is this worth it .BECAUSE IT IS.


Active Member
cool thanks guys, i guess i'll wait until they fatten up! Man this shit makes me so paranoid, maybe i should stop smoking before i check on my girls ;)