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  1. D

    First grow and experiencing some burn of some type.. PLEASE HELP

    My light is s crappy fish tank light. It's only about 60 watts but it is uv. To be honest I'm surprised they have done this well, not a lot of yield but it's better than nothing I suppose. These are supposed to be ready in 3 weeks I think, will I the buds start swelling soon ?
  2. D

    First grow and experiencing some burn of some type.. PLEASE HELP

    I am on quite a tight budget ATM, that's why I am adding the p, am I doing the right thing by adding the extra phosphorus to nutes
  3. D

    First grow and experiencing some burn of some type.. PLEASE HELP

    This is my first grow. I am 3.5 weeks into flowering and i have noticed a burn of some type????? i am currently using a 4.2.6 Tomato Plant nute and adding a tiny pinch of phosphorus to it. i have no ph testing kit so am wondrring if this could be some sort of ph related thing. PLEASE HELP!!!
  4. D

    Thank you

    Just wanted to say thank you to all the people who have give me advice on this site. My plant looked like it was going to die before I found this site, now she looks happy and green thanks to all the help I have received from all you keen people out there. This is my first ever grow and thanks...
  5. D

    Just a quick question

    Thanks guys. Love this site.
  6. D

    Just a quick question

    I am also a bit confused about the mixing of nutes. I read I should start them on half strength. Does this mean if it says one cap per gallon then do one cap per 2 gallons. It may be a stupid and self explanatory question but I just don't want anything to go wrong to hurt my girl
  7. D

    Just a quick question

    What about the last number. I was originally under the impression that the last number has to be the highest
  8. D

    Just a quick question

    Ok so if I use this for a week or so I won't hurt her will I, just untill I can afford some better stuff for her
  9. D

    Just a quick question

    What would be ideal? 2-2-6. What do u mean full bloom, as in buds wont get to their full potential?
  10. D

    Just a quick question

    Ok so my plants started flowering a day or 2 ago so today I went out, bit strap for cash, and bought some tomato feed. It's 4-2-6. Is that ok. Also I repotted as well to a 16 ltr pot. Should I leave her for a couple of days before starting her on these new nutes. I have been feeding her baby bio...
  11. D

    Newbie grow on the go

    I will do my best and will get some things to give her a tune up on Wednesday. Is there anything I can give to her to make sure she makes it till then and is there anything I can give her from around the house to give her I quick nitrogen boost? Also I am guessing they are satvia, they don't...
  12. D

    Newbie grow on the go

    I do not get paid till Wednesday so I wouldn' be able to get anything till tthen
  13. D

    Newbie grow on the go

    My plants leaves seem to be getting a little limp an more yellow, hour by hour. Do I need to give it nitrogen and back off with the baby bio and if so what can I use to help this quickl. I fear that she could be dying
  14. D

    Newbie grow on the go

    How often should I be watering and how often for nutes. I am currently watering at the beginning of lights out and baby bio every 2 weeks
  15. D

    Newbie grow on the go

    Will make sure of that. Gott some water standing now lol. Do I keep fan on at alltimes. Plus I have always done a 12/12. What should I have the light doing at this stage?
  16. D

    Newbie grow on the go

    Do I need to turn off the fan with the Light or do I keep fan on at all times.
  17. D

    Newbie grow on the go

    Cheers fil and thanks to everyone who commented. Didn't expect to get such a good response. Thanks for all your help. will defiantly be asking more questions lol
  18. D

    Newbie grow on the go

    a cold fan or a hot one or either?
  19. D

    Newbie grow on the go

    these plants are about 4 months old though and only a few white hairs are appearing. is this a sign of flowering? is it worth gently cutting the nutes to increase yeild or should i just leaf it ( haha ) for now as it is my first time and im not really clued up as you can tell.
  20. D

    Newbie grow on the go

    here are my plants ..... the small one next to the big(gish) one is only 2 weeeks younger... i know right!! Wog-wan??