First grow and experiencing some burn of some type.. PLEASE HELP


Active Member
This is my first grow. I am 3.5 weeks into flowering and i have noticed a burn of some type????? i am currently using a 4.2.6 Tomato Plant nute and adding a tiny pinch of phosphorus to it.
i have no ph testing kit so am wondrring if this could be some sort of ph related thing.




Well-Known Member
No worries just mild nute burn.Why are you using that for flowering? Need a low N and higher P for flower.


Active Member
I am on quite a tight budget ATM, that's why I am adding the p, am I doing the right thing by adding the extra phosphorus to nutes


Well-Known Member
I can understand tht for sure,but yea should be fine.I do All organic grows so i dont like chemicals in my smoke,i add a top coat of Bat Guano in flower.When you can, Always start with a good soil i use Fox Farm Ocean Floor its good for a month without nutes.Then i use Fish Emulsion,its cheap and BigBud from Fox Farm,along with the overlay of the BG,for flower.Stay away from the timerealise stuff like granuals tht have the amn.nitrogen,unless you plan on growing in the same soil for over 4months which i dont reccomend.If you ever do a Organic grow and cure it rt. you will never want to do anything else nothing compares in Taste.If you need some help shoot me a PM,ill try to help if i can.


Active Member
Just a little tip that will help a "little". The tips part that is burned is dead matter and can't do any more photo as far as I know. I snip off the dead matter because those parts are blocking light from hitting leaves below it. I understand it's just a little thing, but everything you do adds up to a little more yeild. One of my main missions now is to increase lumens as much as possible without having to increase more light.


Active Member
My light is s crappy fish tank light. It's only about 60 watts but it is uv. To be honest I'm surprised they have done this well, not a lot of yield but it's better than nothing I suppose.

These are supposed to be ready in 3 weeks I think, will I the buds start swelling soon ?


Well-Known Member
They will take forever to mature with that light. Go get at least a TRUE 55-watt CFL (meaning it uses 55-watts per hour). Should have some comparison like "same as 125 million light bulbs" or some such. Put it close and keep it close. Make sure it's 2700 Kelvin and should say so clearly.