Just a quick question


Active Member
Ok so my plants started flowering a day or 2 ago so today I went out, bit strap for cash, and bought some tomato feed. It's 4-2-6. Is that ok. Also I repotted as well to a 16 ltr pot. Should I leave her for a couple of days before starting her on these new nutes. I have been feeding her baby bio throughout th vegging


Well-Known Member
It sounds ok for the first few weeks, but 4-2-6 might be a bit high in nitrogen for full bloom. I would start feeding right away it wont hurt anything.


Well-Known Member
4-2-6 is a good flowering nute.

If you just transplanted your plant will expend most of it's energy building a rootball.
The plant won't grow much at all above ground until the roots hit the inside of the pot.
Means you want fast root growth so the plant itself will follow the rootball. 4-2-6 will do it.

Good luck, BigSteve. (My reply here is based on Cervante's book and quite a bit of experimenting.)


Active Member
I am also a bit confused about the mixing of nutes. I read I should start them on half strength. Does this mean if it says one cap per gallon then do one cap per 2 gallons. It may be a stupid and self explanatory question but I just don't want anything to go wrong to hurt my girl


Well-Known Member
if you have stuff like Lime .. epsom salt ..kelp .. it can be a good idea to add a littel to the soil .. weed need a "littel" more then just NPK

specialy Ca/Mg calium and magnesium that is two main thing beside the NPK .. but it will also need micros .. like Iron/copper/Bor/zink/sulfur aso.

and that is´t even enough if you want to go nerdish on this ... trace elements and vitimins and acids is also importent ..

its a sciens .. realy ..

a good product that keeps a lot of them things I just toald you about is supertrive (some love it some dont) but it is more or less organic with some minirals (I also consider organic) its a littel expensiv .. but you can get small 15ml bottels and one drop in your water is enough (either watering or foile feeding)

but do some research and look in to it some more .. I made my own soil mix for my next run .. hopeing to avoyd nutriens in my water and correcting PH (witch might also be sumthing you schould look in to as PH is very importent and easily can screew up all the nutriens so the plant cant take em up)

googel organic soil mix for weed and see what Ppl. mix together .. the lists are long ..