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  1. S

    Moisture Meter

    I bought this exact same gadget and eventually stopped using it once I learned the basic watering schedule needed with my pot size and soil mix. Like all soil grows I expect, the moisture content of the soil increases from the top of the pot to the bottom. The 2-3" down rule (finger or...
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    AMS reviews, please

    I've ordered from AMS on two separate occasions (first white widow, then super silver haze a few months later) and sent them cash both times. I received the usual 10 ordered seeds plus 10 free seeds on both orders. I haven't planted any of the free seeds (email them and they'll tell you what...
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    Trich color and potency

    So you're saying that THC production in the trichomes does only occur after the harvest window has been reached and not before. Right? So harvesting 10 days early would produce weed with no potency, even if the buds are covered with frost, because there is no THC production yet in the...
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    Trich color and potency

    I have heavy trich-coated buds now and I guess my real question is on the THC content of the trichs at different stages. If potency depends only on shear number of trichs, regardless of their age, then harvesting 7-10 days early would be a reduction in potency only due to fewer trichs per bud...
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    Trich color and potency

    Does anyone know the facts about how much the potency is reduced if a plant is harvested while most of the trichomes are still clear? I know I'm supposed to wait (roughly 50/50 sativa/indica strain) until most of the trichomes are cloudy and a few turning amber before harvesting, and I'm...
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    Anyone know where to find a digital PH combo tester

    Here's a lot more choices ... and they have the 3-in-1 for $225: MILWAUKEE, OAKTON, GENESIS, BLUE LABS, pH METER
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    Anyone know where to find a digital PH combo tester

    I think I paid about $300 for my Milwaukee triple tester gadget, but this site has some pH only versions that are much cheaper (the pH-600 looks OK for about $55): PH, Digital PH Pens, Meters & Testers - Progressive Growth Hydroponics Haven't used this one, but Milwaukee seem to make good...
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    Question on Harvesting Early

    I have a single White Widow (first grow) and started flowering 31 days ago. I've been fighting a severe Mg and/or K deficiency for about 3 weeks now and seem to have a losing battle on my hands. Flushing my 3 gal pot with 9 gal of distilled water 2 weeks ago only brought the soil runoff from...
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    Good Types of Soil

    ProMix BX is not discontinued and is available at a lot of nurserys and hydro stores (usually in the 3.8 cf compressed bales). If you want to pay the freight shipping you can get it for $24/bale from here: Pro-Mix BX, 3.8CF Compressed-International Greenhouse Company Greenhouse Mega Store has...
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    Yellowing leaves with brown spots.

    Wow ... seems to be Mg and/or K deficiency day today with several posts on this. Your first photo looks exactly like my leaves a couple of weeks ago, and this seems to be either an Mg and/or K deficiency problem. Have you checked the pH of your soil runoff? Any Mg and Ca in your nutes? Low...
  11. S

    Is this nute burn or mag dif or..??

    I was using distilled water with my nutes, and the nutes had no Mg or Ca. So even without the acidic soil that would lock these out I was depriving my plants and didn't realize it until it was too late. I found some magnesium sulfate at the local hydro store and thought that would help, but I...
  12. S

    Is this nute burn or mag dif or..??

    I have a pH meter from Milwaukee that also does ppm and EC (very handy), but any good pH meter that works directly in the water should work. I just stick it into a calilbration solution (pH 7.01) before each test, then stick it in the runoff water I've collected. I've never used the strips and...
  13. S

    Plant help for virgin grower please? brown spots on leaves

    Make sure to check the pH of your soil runoff ASAP. It is worth buying a good pH meter for this and making sure the runoff is not too acidic. I just paid a big price for not doing this for a soil grow and learned my lesson (got serious Mg and/or K deficiencies that first spotted all the big...
  14. S

    Is this nute burn or mag dif or..??

    What is the pH of the soil runoff? I ran into a serious Mg and/or K deficiency problem in my soil grow despite adjusting the pH of my water/fert solution each time. It rapidly got worse and I was never able to get the soil runoff pH above about 4.5 (ouch!). I am foliar feeding for the last 4...
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    Tiny gnat looking bugs on plants

    Fungas gnats. To kill the adults get a spray with pyrethrins (made from chrysanthemum flowers) and cover the soil with it. Fox Farm "Don't Bug Me" is an example. Using yellow sticky strips close to the soil can also catch hundreds of adults and helps the cause. Next, drench the soil on the...
  16. S

    interveinal problem... (pics)

    I think we're going to need more pictures! The focus is a little out and the spotted blue background thing may also need to be removed to avoid any confusion as to the exact leaf discoloration details. Seriously ... are you hitting all these nutes at full strength?
  17. S

    Is this an Mg deficiency? Plants less than 2 weeks old. (pics)

    Since you mentioned possible Mg deficiency I'll tell you my recent serious problem with it. I had no leaf problems for the first 3-4 weeks of growth and had planted in Sta-Green container mix (with time-release nutes). I watered each time with distilled water since I didn't trust my tap water...
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    Tin foil - White paint...Which is better?

    Sorry BigBudBalls ... I should have quoted the post about Al reflecting "only heat" since I was trying to address that comment. The only problems I've heard about Al foil are hot spots potentially caused by wrinkles if the foil is very close to the plants and the wrinkle is just in the right...
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    Tin foil - White paint...Which is better?

    The reflectivity of aluminum in the plant PAR region (380 - 720 nm) is about 90% or a little better. At much longer wavelengths (ie. "heat" or infrared ... thermal infrared wavelengths are in the 8-12 micron range) it is much higher, but in the visible wavelength region Al isn't bad at all as a...
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    Is HTG Supply's grow tent system good?

    I bought this kit from BGHydro and like it: Dark Room DR120 w/ Accessory Kit | BGH It's a little larger for about the same price, although if I did it again I'd just buy the grow tent and fan separately as the other stuff is dirt cheap anywhere else. Anyway, just another option to consider if...