Plant help for virgin grower please? brown spots on leaves


Active Member
high guys!!!!!

Wonder if ya'll can help me out. I'm a virgin grower growing my first plants. I have some in an aerogarden the ones with the brown spots on bottom leaves seems to me to be around the edges. Too much nutrients? not enough? I'm really worried cause it's starting to move to the upper leaves. I've been using the nutrient pellets that came with the areogarden. Maybe they are putting out too much nutrients? How do I fix the problem? :wall: the ones in pots are doing great no brown spots. well the very bottom leaves are brown and pretty much dead. Isn't that normal? Any advice and input will be appreciated!!!! :peace: Thanks guys!!! Anything I can buy at local nursery or wally world that would help? Other then the brown spots how does my garden look? tried doing the best pic's I could I am not a pro photo taker. Thanks againa!!! Peace out!!

PS one more thing.... can anyone tell me if i have sativa plants or indica? I saved seeds from the best smoke. I want to do this this right way. Give it all the TLC and love and attention it needs. My goal is seedless plants. High thc good stoney plant.



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Active Member
I would have thought including the word Virgin would have gotten you a response by now... I'm a newbie myself, so I don't have too much advice. First, the best TLC you can give your plant is to read as many stickies on this website as you can. Especially the one titled "how to grow marijuana" in the Newbie Central forum. Definitely read all the stickies in that forum and the "General Marijuana Growing" Forum.

Second, try to give more info. In your case, what kind of soil are you using, what kind of water, have you tested the pH, do you add nutes? Same with the aerogarden plant. What kind of nutrient pellets came with the plant? I don't have enough experience to guess at your problems with the brown spotting.

Third... you asked how your garden looked. What kind of lights are you using, and how many total watts, and how many total plants? Plants look a little stringy, which is not going to do much harm, but from the pics it looks like you need more light on those babies. But that's not meant to discourage you... these plants can probably recover from anything, and they look mostly healthy right now. As far as indica vs sativa, it is hard to tell so early in the game.

Answer all these questions and add more detail and I think you'll get real good answers on this forum. PEACE.


Active Member
definately has the signs of chemical burn cut back on nutes for a short period could also be low on mg but not too likely keep an eye and post more pics in a day or two and since you are in it to win it check into a couple things that are worth getting 1. Co2 2.carbonated water for more Co2. 3. Sweet, carbo-load, or sucanat sugar to add a fruity or a caramel type flavor to the plant, sweet and carbo-load give fruity smells and taste sucanat gives other i use both and ive gotta say there is nothing like putting a bud into a grinder, grinding it up and smelling caramel :weed:
just do some more researching on the disorders you can never know too much some people try to over do it a bit when all you need to keep in mind is ph and nutes really keep in mind weed is a "weed" and will strugle to grow when they die its from lack of interest or info so make sure to have plenty!!!

as far as indica vs sativa have a look you decide from these notes
The Differences of Cannabis Indica and Sativa plants.
Fat Leaves and Short Bush = INDICA
Thin Leaves and Tall Bush = SATIVA

Sativas are just about the opposite of Indicas. They are tall, thin plants, with much narrower leaves and grow a lighter green in color. They grow very quickly and can reach heights of 20 feet in a single season. They originally come from Colombia, Mexico, Thailand and Southeast Asia. Once flowering has begun, they can take anywhere from 10 to 16 weeks to fully mature. Flavors range from earthy to sweet and fruity. Sativa's higher THC than CBD equals cerebral, soaring type of high, more energetic which can stimulate brain activity and may produce hallucinations.
Sativa plants are taller, take longer to mature, have less chlorophyll and more accessory pigments (accessory pigments protect the plant from excessive sunlight). As Sativa strains have less chlorophyll than Indica they take longer to grow, mature, and require more light.
Sativa typically takes longer to germinate and flower also, and grows more gangly then Indica breeds.
Yield is usually lower than Indica, but is very potent. Thai Sativa grows taller and has a longer flowering period, so they are better suited for outdoors.
Indicas originally come from the hash producing countries of the world like Afghanistan, Morocco, and Tibet. They are short dense plants, with broad leaves and often grow a darker green. After flowering starts they will be mature in 6 to 8 weeks.
The buds will be thick and dense, with flavors and aromas ranging from pungent skunk to sweet and fruity. The smoke from an Indica is generally a body type stone, relaxing and laid back. Indica's higher CBD than THC equals a much heavier, sleepy type of high. Indica plants have a heavy, stony high that is relaxing and can help different medical problems.
Indica yield is usually higher than Sativa, and shorter growing season. Better for indoor growing, because they don't get as tall.
Indica plants are short, bushy, mature early, have more chlorophyll and less accessory pigments (accessory pigments protect the plant from excessive sunlight). As Indica strains have more chlorophyll than sativa they grow and mature faster.
Combining different indicas, different sativas or a combination thereof creates hybrids. The resulting hybrid strains will grow, mature and smoke in relationship to the indica/sativa percentages they end up containing.
Here is a quote from Hilary Black of the British Columbia Compassion Society:
"Indica and Sativa are the two main varieties of the cannabis plant used as medicine. There are many strains that are crosses of those two varieties. Within each of those varieties and crosses there are a huge number of individual strains, each with a different cannabinoid profile and effect. According to anecdotal evidence, the Indica strains are a relaxant, effective for anxiety, pain, nausea, appetite stimulation, sleep, muscle spasms and tremors, among other symptoms. The Sativa strains are more of a stimulant, effective in appetite stimulation, relieving depression, migraines, pain and nausea. We are now aware of specific strains that are effective for specific conditions and symptoms."
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Well-Known Member
Looks like an indica dominent strain , as far as the spots go, they MAY be water spots, if you get beads of water on leaves they can act like lenses and burn spots on leaves, or as said before, over feeding. Good luck and keep us updated.


Well-Known Member
Don't be too quick to try stuff you'll hear from some people on this site.(Its always a good idea to look when people joined..) Kilroy is right...the stickies and grow fac should be your first sources. I would quit using the AG nutes. Give them a few days and see if they perk up..or at least quit getting worse. You will probably end up loosing those leaves eventually. I've got a sticky at the top of this through it. There are some good links on page 4 or 5.

Don't use carbonated water..the roots need o2 ...not co2. Sweeteners will bring out the natural terpines/oils in the smoke that make it taste mm mm good....they will not make them magically taste like caramel. Give some more info on your equipment and such and I cacn give you some more pointers

high guys!!!!!

Wonder if ya'll can help me out. I'm a virgin grower growing my first plants. I have some in an aerogarden the ones with the brown spots on bottom leaves seems to me to be around the edges. Too much nutrients? not enough? I'm really worried cause it's starting to move to the upper leaves. I've been using the nutrient pellets that came with the areogarden. Maybe they are putting out too much nutrients? How do I fix the problem? :wall: the ones in pots are doing great no brown spots. well the very bottom leaves are brown and pretty much dead. Isn't that normal? Any advice and input will be appreciated!!!! :peace: Thanks guys!!! Anything I can buy at local nursery or wally world that would help? Other then the brown spots how does my garden look? tried doing the best pic's I could I am not a pro photo taker. Thanks againa!!! Peace out!!

PS one more thing.... can anyone tell me if i have sativa plants or indica? I saved seeds from the best smoke. I want to do this this right way. Give it all the TLC and love and attention it needs. My goal is seedless plants. High thc good stoney plant.



Active Member
Thank you!! As far as equipment..... I am using the Classic Aerogarden "
NASA tested aeroponic technology grows plants in water, nutrients and air – so simply and easily that anyone can succeed. Choose from over 20 different seed kits, from fresh herb varieties to cherry tomatoes, salad greens, chili peppers and more. Fully automated garden with built-in grow lights. No dirt, no weeds, no mess and no green thumb needed.
15.5H x 18W x 10.5D " is what the product description say's on it's website. Seen it advertised on TV one day and decided what the hell... I'll giver her a try. Seemed pretty idiot proof just didn't realize lighting was so short will be upgrading ASAP to the Deluxe upgrade kit which is a higher lamp with higher powered lighting and 24-inch extendable lamp arm. As far as water is concerned I am using regular tap water, but the area I live in has a lot of minerals and stuff in it. Lot of calcium, lime,sulphur, travertine. Our water is very hard. I know i should use bottled water. And will switch over to bottled maybe tonight. And as far as what kind of soil i used, could not tell you. I just used the soil that was in it that i got from a friend. And i basically have the 2 small potted plants sitting with the other plant's under the aerogarden i know tight fit for now till grow closet is finished. Is that enough info? Oh and i use miracle grow all purpose plant food on the potted plants and as far as aerogarden i used the nutrient pellets that came with the gourmet herb seed pack. hmm. Yep that's about it now... nope wait... oh the plants are about a month old i think and the potted plants were started i think a few days later, so the potted plants are younger then aerogarden plants. yep ok i'm done now. That's all the info i can think of for now unless you can think of anything else. Thanks for all the help for breaking my virginity :mrgreen:.


Don't be too quick to try stuff you'll hear from some people on this site.(Its always a good idea to look when people joined..) Kilroy is right...the stickies and grow fac should be your first sources. I would quit using the AG nutes. Give them a few days and see if they perk up..or at least quit getting worse. You will probably end up loosing those leaves eventually. I've got a sticky at the top of this through it. There are some good links on page 4 or 5.

Don't use carbonated water..the roots need o2 ...not co2. Sweeteners will bring out the natural terpines/oils in the smoke that make it taste mm mm good....they will not make them magically taste like caramel. Give some more info on your equipment and such and I cacn give you some more pointers


Active Member
Don't be too quick to try stuff you'll hear from some people on this site.(Its always a good idea to look when people joined..) Kilroy is right...the stickies and grow fac should be your first sources. I would quit using the AG nutes. Give them a few days and see if they perk up..or at least quit getting worse. You will probably end up loosing those leaves eventually. I've got a sticky at the top of this through it. There are some good links on page 4 or 5.

Don't use carbonated water..the roots need o2 ...not co2. Sweeteners will bring out the natural terpines/oils in the smoke that make it taste mm mm good....they will not make them magically taste like caramel. Give some more info on your equipment and such and I cacn give you some more pointers
okey dokey dont believe me cause ive only got 40 posts (not my first forum site lol) and heres the lowdown on sucanat not from my lips this is another memeber with good results a gallery and it has a quote from george cervantes himself tho im sure you will question that too either way carbonated water in a spray bottle does make a difference i never said put it on the roots now would you please stop following me around on the forums trying to make me look stupid? go smoke a joint and chill for a while or something man anways heres the link


Active Member
Make sure to check the pH of your soil runoff ASAP. It is worth buying a good pH meter for this and making sure the runoff is not too acidic. I just paid a big price for not doing this for a soil grow and learned my lesson (got serious Mg and/or K deficiencies that first spotted all the big fan leaves, then the secondary leaves, and I lost most of them in the end although the plant is still alive 4 weeks into flowering ... it looks like a poodle fresh from the shearing shop).


Well-Known Member
According to subcool succanat provides vital trace elements. Mollasses also can be used (I use it myself).
Carbonated water can be used as foliar spray, and may add CO2, I have no personal experience with it.


Active Member
Guy's let's all load the peace pipe and and get along :mrgreen: :peace:. :joint: I am sure there are many experiments that have been tried and some proved to be good and other's that have failed. Please??? I am a very peaceful person. So please get along in this thread. I don't think I am asking alot. And if anyone looks like a dumb ass. That should be me!!!! I'm the one that don't know squat about growing, about ph levels, about lighting and venting and all that, so if anyone looks like a dumb ass...... it's me!!!!! Now that argument is closed!!! Thank you all for the valuable input from everyone in here. And keep the great input going in here but please please leave the arguments out of here. I'm a mellow kicked back person. I just want to learn all I can on this. Is that okay with everyone? We all get along? Smoke a joint? Keep adding great info and tips in here. maybe an occassional good joke. :mrgreen: Thanks again EVERYONE for the tip's!!! :hug:bongsmilie:bigjoint::leaf::weed::weed:



Well-Known Member
okey dokey dont believe me cause ive only got 40 posts (not my first forum site lol) and heres the lowdown on sucanat not from my lips this is another memeber with good results a gallery and it has a quote from george cervantes himself tho im sure you will question that too either way carbonated water in a spray bottle does make a difference i never said put it on the roots now would you please stop following me around on the forums trying to make me look stupid? go smoke a joint and chill for a while or something man anways heres the link
It sounded like you were telling here to water with the carb. water. I was definitely too quick to judge. The joint has been smoked. No more bad vibes from me(I never do that crap..but did today) We've been battling on several threads...just wanted to say sorry for straying from the real point.(In public...not just the PM I sent Aron)

Stonergirly...I'll get back with your stuff after I back peddle a little


Well-Known Member

it turned out to be my ph I am growing in a hydro setup so it was really causing a problem. I strongly strongly recommend a digital ph meter for your water. It will save you time and headaches. It saved me so so many I dont know why i didn't get one before. i know the ph for hydro and aero is 5.2-6 at the highest so chemicals and test strips just arent good enough. I am telling you ph trust me it is ph fix your ph id if you dont beleave me look at my grow journal they are alive and healthy now

Let me know if this helped you thanks


Active Member
It sounded like you were telling here to water with the carb. water. I was definitely too quick to judge. The joint has been smoked. No more bad vibes from me(I never do that crap..but did today) We've been battling on several threads...just wanted to say sorry for straying from the real point.(In public...not just the PM I sent Aron)

Stonergirly...I'll get back with your stuff after I back peddle a little
Thanks hon I appreciate it. And I really appreciate the apologiing for the argument. Does not matter who is right or wrong. Does not matter the point is you was the bigger man by apologising. I am under enough stress like walking heart attack or stroke waiting to happen stress. So Thank you so much for that apology!!! And any advice you all have been giving me is being taken into consideration from everyone. I may or may not try your ideas no telling. I'm not gonnna jump on the first advice without doing more research. I'd hate to kill what I started. I just want to learn to grow because I am very sick and this is for medical use.. I suffer from chronic pain, stress, anxiety attacks and severe weight loss. My heaviest was 210 now down to 127. But thats fro stress from my family. In fact so much I had a huge bald spot from loosing my hir due to stress. I'd love to come in here, chill out, make some friends, and hopefully learn to grow some killer bud's. And most of all to come in here and de-stress.Thats all I want. That and learn everything I can on growing. But thanks again all of you for the input!!!!!

Peace and love
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Well-Known Member
My goodness stonergal thats a bunch of weight to loose like that..I hope some of your stress can be aleviated with the family stuff soon...I know how much stress they can cause for sure. Now then....if you think your water is too hard, I would use some purified water. Especially since the AG doesn't hold much much does the res hold? After that you definitely need to get some PH and TDS meters. Because without knowing the "vitals" our recomendations could be off. Did you check that link I sent you yet? As far as the soil part goes I wouldn't recomend using the miracle grow I've had some great smoke grown with it, but more often than not its poor. I'm sure I'll think of some more soon.


Active Member
OK guys. I think the plants are doing better they are now 12-14 inches tall. Sorry no measuring tape. But there are new leaves growing where the one's on bottem died and more growing at base of stem from the leaves. will post pic's soon on how well they look. But they are looking better. Thanks again for the help!! :blsmoke:

:weed: Stonergirl35:weed:bongsmilie


Active Member
Well the plants been doing awesome!!! I left for cali for 2 weeks and hubby took care of making sure there was water in AG. I came back and it just bushed out. It looks like it's vineing but it's looking good all nce color. I think it was just too much light that made it have brown spots. They are gone now. But sadly only one plant survived but i do plan on doing some cloning on this one plant. It's starting the flowering process. I'll post pic's asap.
