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  1. S

    Wiring a computer fan for intake?

    Most cell phone chargers are 5V at 500mA, and most computer fans are 5V or 12V (all voltages DC). So check your fan to see what voltage it wants, and also how much current it draws. Some 12V fans will run from 5v but turn much slower. Once you get the fan voltage and current (should be...
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    You're fine as the other poster's have said, and I used the exact same peat pots for my first white widow grow attempt. Attached are what they looked like at 3 days, then at 25 days, from sprouting. I just dropped the peat pots into 3 gallon pots deep enough to bury the skinny stems to about...
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    My RH is at 20 ... what is recommended??

    I'd agree that a pump and air stone is better than a sponge, but I was going for "cheap and now" suggestions. It might be harder to fight off the influx of dry air though if you don't have a closed system with controlled air flow in and out. To raise the RH in a closed 4' x 4' x 6' room at...
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    My RH is at 20 ... what is recommended??

    The main thing a big sponge on top of the water will do is provide a lot more surface area for water to evaporate from (assuming the sponge stays wet as it should). This allows more water to get into the surrounding air to raise RH compared to just blowing the fan across the top of the water in...
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    My RH is at 20 ... what is recommended??

    You may also get a little more bang for your buck if you float one of those big honking car washing sponges on the top of the water in your bucket, and direct the fan at that. This is the essence of a swamp cooler where air is cooled by flowing it past an evaporative "wick", and it works well...
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    Tying up lower branches

    Thanks Lacy ... sounds like a plan. I can tie the lower branches down, then put the side lights at a level several inches above them to illuminate the lower 15" or so of the plant. As long as she doesn't get any fatter this should work within the tent space.
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    Lower Humidity from Human Presence?

    This stuff is just part of my normal job. If you want more gory details there are lots of web sites with the various equations commonly used to calculate saturation vapor pressure of water over liquid water (or water over ice, which is different and appropriate for ice clouds, for example)...
  8. S

    Lower Humidity from Human Presence?

    What's the temperature difference from when you enter the room and when you leave 10-15 minutes later? RH is exponentially dependent on temperature, so if the number density of H2O (molecules of H2O per cubic cm) stayed the same, but the temperature rises a few degrees from your presence in the...
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    Tying up lower branches

    I have a 41 day old (since sprout) white widow female that's 11 days into flowering (pic attached). I want to put some side lights in my grow tent since this one female is the only one I got out of my first batch of 5 seeds, and I want to squeeze as much as I can out of her. But she's already...
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    Wiring a few fans in a series or parallel

    If you have 12V fans and want to run them both from one supply you have to connect them in parallel to a 12V source. That will provide 12V per fan, and they will each draw whatever current they want depending on their resistance (assuming your supply has enough capacity for two fans). Same...
  11. S

    How many pots can be filled with 3 cubic feet of soil?

    One US gallon is 0.133681 cubic feet, so 3 cubic feet is 22.4 gallons. On the 1 gallon per month rule you'd need at least a 3 gallon pot for each female for an indoor grow, so that's 36 gallons of soil for 12 females. Better buy another few bags, or mix generous amounts of perlite...
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    Grow Tent

    I bought a DR120 grow tent from BGHydro (in California) and love it. It is 4' x 4' by 6.5' tall and has a reflective interior. The tent material itself seems to be very good and strong, but one of the plastic corner supports exploded like a cheap pencil when I was pulling the tent over the...
  13. S

    anyone used Sta-Green Potting Mix?

    Maybe someone else can chime in on the sterilized soil question. I was told that "soilless mixes" that have mostly peat in them are by definition sterile because they have no soil or bark, but I don't know that for a fact. I know that vermiculite and perlite are not "dirt" and are sterile as...
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    Question for Latuya (or anyone)

    They look great!
  15. S

    anyone used Sta-Green Potting Mix?

    I used Sta-Green's "container mix" and it was full of fungus gnat eggs. Spent about a week fighting the critters off once they got going. Next time I'm going with Pro-Mix BX and add a little more perlite and vermiculite. Just make sure you get sterilized soil or a soilless mix, or sterilize...
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    Question for Latuya (or anyone)

    With a 4' x 4' tent I don't see how I can grow more than 4 plants to size without their leaves overlapping since even at 15" tall the overall width was 24" for my white widows. Maybe it is OK to have the lower leaves overlap and cram more plants in, but I'm only growing for myself so 4 females...
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    Question for Latuya (or anyone)

    Do you have any pics of your plants at 35 days? I looked around for "jiffy cups" and the largest ones I saw were only about 4" diameter and 4" deep. Or are there larger ones? Sounds like you are doing two transplants rather than one (jiffy to 2-3 gal, then to 5 gal). Right? If this is...
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    Question for Latuya (or anyone)

    Can you tell me what size pots you use initially, before switching to 12/12? I just nurtured three plants in 3-gallon pots to 15" height, and had 2 males and 1 female (first grow ... only got 1 female in the end from 5 white widow seeds). Next time I want to use smaller pots and still get to...
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    MH conversion bulb,,any good?

    Notwithstanding the comments on whether MH works best for veg or not (the general consensus I've seen... books/internet... seems to be that it does), I just finished veg growth for my white widows using an MH conversion bulb (400W) in an HPS ballast and the lighting system worked just fine. I...
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    F*&^kin Fungus Gnats

    I don't know what size "dunk" you have, but these things can usually treat many gallons of water so you may want to break open the package and use only 1/4 of it (or so). If you have a 5 gallon bucket just fill it with water and drop a dunk into it and let it sit overnight. Give it a good stir...