Yellowing leaves with brown spots.


Active Member
I believe that my plant is sick. It’s the second time around for this plant and she is almost ready. One morning about 4 days ago I spotted it. It started on the lower leaves and worked its way up all the way to the top. I am a hobby grower so I try to only keep one at a time. I was going to regen her again but I think that it my not be worth the trouble. Anyway here are my pics and info.
Premier Pro-Mix for potting and seeding
Tap water (left out 24hrs) with fish emulsion 2-4-0.5
One 400w MH light

And if she is sick do you think I need to cut now?



Active Member
Wow ... seems to be Mg and/or K deficiency day today with several posts on this. Your first photo looks exactly like my leaves a couple of weeks ago, and this seems to be either an Mg and/or K deficiency problem. Have you checked the pH of your soil runoff? Any Mg and Ca in your nutes? Low pH can lock out Mg in particular and cause this sort of problem. It gets worse, fast, if not corrected.