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  1. L

    Hydro - Mother coming to visit for the day, air pump needs to be shut off, will roots

    18v air pump makes enough noise to hear from outside of grow box.. Its like a vibrating sound, but I should probably turn it off. The two plants that are in a 10 gal resevoir, 150w hps light, should be fine for 20 hours right.? Maybe I can turn it on here and there when I get the chance.. Just...
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    Oder in apartment hallways, but not in apt. Could it still be from grow box in apt.

    I am not. Thats why I am posting, because I am confused. I am just saying that if it ISNT me, then there is not much I can do to fix it. Just because I say "if it ISNT me" (emphasis on the "IF", open the idea to a possibility)" it doesnt mean I am convinced. Otherwise i would have said "It isnt...
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    Oder in apartment hallways, but not in apt. Could it still be from grow box in apt.

    Good point. There is a breeze coming in through my window, which might be carrying cool air, with the smell, out and down the stairs. Gonna try to seal up the window..
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    Oder in apartment hallways, but not in apt. Could it still be from grow box in apt.

    Profpotsnob.... Well then,not good. It doesnt smell all the time, just some times. Still, if its like this now, then will probably get worse in flowering. Spraying the ole Fabreeze in the hall helps alot, but cant always be there to spray it. Will figure something out..
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    Oder in apartment hallways, but not in apt. Could it still be from grow box in apt.

    If there is nothing that can be done, then I will throw em out.. So nice tho, Liberty Haze and Dr. Grinspoon
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    Oder in apartment hallways, but not in apt. Could it still be from grow box in apt.

    but I suppose I should know for sure, and do a little more preventative work.
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    Oder in apartment hallways, but not in apt. Could it still be from grow box in apt.

    tell me, how am i suppose to deal with it, if it ISNT me.? Throw em out?
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    Oder in apartment hallways, but not in apt. Could it still be from grow box in apt.

    There is just one of those metal heaters that send heated water through it, or however it works. There is one in each room. Its an older building. I just dont get how it cant be smelled in the apt, but walk out, and the smell is there. Open the grow closet, and the smell is there. but the apt...
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    Oder in apartment hallways, but not in apt. Could it still be from grow box in apt.

    Racerboy, even without any smell in the apt, and there is no ventalation in the building, but even without smell in the apt, how could it smell in the hallways. I dont understand that.
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    Oder in apartment hallways, but not in apt. Could it still be from grow box in apt.

    Im wondering if maybe it could be the neighbor smoking. I dont know any of my neighbors, so I dont know if they smoke. There is a carbon filter with the grow, and it doesnt smell in the apt, but when walking in to the apartment building, It smells. As soon as walking into apt. there is no smell...
  11. L

    Hydroponic - some leaves are curling downward lengthwise. What is this from. Soil -

    I clean the rez often. the space around gets dirty quick because of the crispy leaves. lol. My roots look pretty nice actually, very white. No brown. no algea growth. I tried to prevent the whole light problem with the white caps, but those things suck. Suppose I can just figure something else...
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    Hydroponic - some leaves are curling downward lengthwise. What is this from. Soil -

    The leaves are all a medium green. The light makes them look more of a yellow. But they are all a healthy green. Its just those tips. Ive since fixed those folding leaves. I dont know what happened.
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    Hydroponic - some leaves are curling downward lengthwise. What is this from. Soil -

    My ph is at about 6.8, im using just a 10 gallon container with an air rock. They are about 4 months old. Im using GH nutes, I dont know the temps, my thermometer fell and broke. I feel like the dry crispy tips came from a period of too much heat. It was all covered with little ventilation. Ive...
  14. L

    Hydroponic - some leaves are curling downward lengthwise. What is this from. Soil -

    Hydroponic - some leaves are curling downward lengthwise. What is this from. Soil -Soil plant, some leaves seem crimpled.. Some leaves are very light brown/crispy at the tips.
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    Hydroponic - some leaves are curling downward lengthwise. What is this from. Soil -

    Hydroponic (first two pics) - some leaves are curling downward lengthwise. What is this from. Soil (pic 3)-Soil plant, some leaves seem crimpled.. Some leaves are very light brown/crispy at the tips can be seen in background of pic 1 and 2 on left.
  16. L

    Feedback needed swamp growing

    I dont know enough about the time periods. It would be cool though if they could make a website where you put in your time zone and info like what you were wondering, and it answers. I think that would be a relatively simple program. What to grow, and where. As for the swamp, that sounds like...
  17. L

    Wiring PC grow box fans

    lmfao, dude are you serious....everyone has to start somewhere and being a licensed electrician for 6 years now, i honestly cant think of anything more fucking simple then wiring up some 12v fans...i worked on live phone lines at 40v on friday for almost an hour. and if he wants to be even more...
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    Wiring PC grow box fans

  19. L

    Wiring PC grow box fans

    I believe that quote is from Robert Heinlein. Einstein would encourage people to try new things. Einstein believed that everyone had a hidden potential. A perfect quote for a situation like this is, "Great spirits always encounter opposition from mediocre minds" - ALBERT EINSTEIN I for one...