Oder in apartment hallways, but not in apt. Could it still be from grow box in apt.

Profpotsnob.... Well then,not good. It doesnt smell all the time, just some times. Still, if its like this now, then will probably get worse in flowering. Spraying the ole Fabreeze in the hall helps alot, but cant always be there to spray it. Will figure something out..
If you're 100% convinced it isn't you then why are you posting threads about it?
I am not. Thats why I am posting, because I am confused. I am just saying that if it ISNT me, then there is not much I can do to fix it. Just because I say "if it ISNT me" (emphasis on the "IF", open the idea to a possibility)" it doesnt mean I am convinced. Otherwise i would have said "It isnt me" and therfore I would have never posted.. I am just on here asking if it is possible that this could be from me. I am uncertain, and questioning each possibility. If I hadnt have come on here, I wouldnt have come across some of the answers I did. All which were helpful.


Well-Known Member
Good point. There is a breeze coming in through my window, which might be carrying cool air, with the smell, out and down the stairs. Gonna try to seal up the window..
Instead of sealing it entirely, vent air out there thru another carbon filter, make sure you have an exhaust fan powerful enough to draw in air from the hallway! You want to ideally be intaking air from the building itself and venting cleaned air outside...anyway that's what I'd do!
Instead of sealing it entirely, vent air out there thru another carbon filter, make sure you have an exhaust fan powerful enough to draw in air from the hallway! You want to ideally be intaking air from the building itself and venting cleaned air outside...anyway that's what I'd do!
Thats a good idea..