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  1. N

    Simple Harvest and Cure (Step By Step)

    Awesome guide/thread! Appreciate the step-by-step pics and the explanation/rationale for examining the. I am on day 61 of my first ever grow from seed (unknown strain, but seeds came from local growers). My next grow will be from pre-selected strains. I was operating under the "color of the...
  2. N

    When do I dispose of the males?

    Cool! Thanks a lot for the advice and the pic. Helped a lot!
  3. N

    When do I dispose of the males?

    So I have four plants, one is showing white pistils for sure, one isn't (started flowering same day) and the other two aren't yet but started into flowering about 4 days after the first two. When do I have to worry about getting the males out by, if no one else develops white hairs? Thanks!!
  4. N

    1st grow: Too late to top??

    Cool. Thanks all. Lettin' her be. Next go round I am gonna veg a liiiiitle longer and employ topping and LST. Question many nodes would I let form in veg before I top? Once I more nodes, right?
  5. N

    1st grow: Too late to top??

    Hey peeps... On day 29 now. Moved from veg to flower after 16 days. Using 8 100W (equiv) CFLs an plants are looking SWEET! Nice an bushy an not too tall, but showing great growth everyday. I lot I have read said to top 1 week into flowering, which for me would have been about day 23 or 24. Is...
  6. N

    1st grow: Are these just burn spots or something worse?

    Thanks for the posts guys! The lights are sometimes no less than 1" away, especially on the sides. I have four plants in my setup. Ideally I will only have 2 once the females reveal themselves. I'm thinking sometime in the next week I will see the signs... I am keeping an eye out and if I see...
  7. N

    1st grow: Are these just burn spots or something worse?

    On Day 28 (Vegged for 16). Plants looking good, area good, no problems with heat or anything despite my initial worries. I have a vent+fan sending fresh air into the closet all day while the door is closed, and I leave the door open from 7:30 to 7:30 while the lights are on. Anyway...I have one...
  8. N

    R2 weed

    Crazy thread...I am in NB, near Moncton, and just got myself a big bag of what I'm told is "R2". Googled it and ended up here! Haven't tried it yet, but it looks like a lot of canna I've gotten around here. A more yellowish-green with lots of nice crystals. Not very hairy. Smell is quite...
  9. N

    Large open with venting!!

    Solid. I'm on the other coast...and much further North ;)
  10. N

    Large open with venting!!

    What are your plans for odor control?
  11. N

    Large open with venting!!

    There is a space under the door, yes. I plan on having a PC intake fan near the opening and blowing up on the plants regardless and I'll likely have a fan mounted and blowing on the lights as well. I could likely put a bathroom vent fan in the ceiling of the closet (attic), except the attic is...
  12. N

    Large open with venting!!

    As title says...closet is large and open...I can have the door open in the room during the lights on period, no problem. Closet is 2' deep x 4' wide x 8-9' tall. If I am not concerned with heat, is it OK to go without venting in the closet during the 12 hour dark period? Also, is it...
  13. N

    First Attempt/Journal: Closet+Cardboard CFL

    April 20th - Transplanted to 1 gallon (4L) pots today. Added some perlite to my organic potting soil. I am going to start feeding on the 26th as that will be two weeks of the plants being above soil. Starting with a diluted solution of Neptune's harvest. Discarded the one that was stunted and...
  14. N

    What size pots for full indoor grow? 2-2.5 ft. plant height MAX!

    Makes sense...each type is gonna grow differently. Any input on container size, if I knew for sure I was going to end up with a 2' plant (including topping and LST)?
  15. N

    Need advice: Vegging inside, moving outside!

    Thanks all, sounds great. Sage advice. We will definitely stake if need be, but probably going for a little bush now. I'll have to convince my partner that taller isn't always better :P We will be visiting infrequently...but still enough to check on them. Going to top soon I think, and utilize...
  16. N

    First Attempt/Journal: Closet+Cardboard CFL

    Everything helps dude! Thanks! The fert I have is organic, and the same one I use for my veggie garden. It's Neptune's Harvest fish fert (4-2-1) and I think it would be very hard to burn the plants even using the full concentration (1 tbsp per gallon of water). I'm probably going to use a 1/2...
  17. N

    What size pots for full indoor grow? 2-2.5 ft. plant height MAX!

    Hey RUI! Firstly, journal here: I am doing start to finish indoors, seperate environment for veg and flower. Question: If I want plants that are no more than 2.5' when finished, what size pots...
  18. N

    Need advice: Vegging inside, moving outside!

    Hey RUI, Question for someone in the know: What size pots should I transplant to, and how tall should I veg a plant if I am ultimately planting outside? Right now I have a pretty nice CFL closet set up at a friends place, but only for veg. He lives on about 50+ acres and we are going to plant...
  19. N

    First Attempt/Journal: Closet+Cardboard CFL

    Apr. 16 - Fan leave on two furthest along plants really spreading out. 2nd set of true leaves formed. Temps running between 75-80 during the day and lowering to about 70 at night. Humidity around 30%. I close the door at night to help keep the warmth in the closet. During the day the door is...
  20. N

    Exhaust/Venting a growbow...newbie question

    So maybe for an intake hole at the bottom just cut something about quarter sized or a bit bigger with some panty hose over it? The drawing action of the fans up top will drag air in (albeit with less force) through the intake hole? Makes sense :P Thanks all!