Need advice: Vegging inside, moving outside!


Hey RUI,

Question for someone in the know: What size pots should I transplant to, and how tall should I veg a plant if I am ultimately planting outside?

Right now I have a pretty nice CFL closet set up at a friends place, but only for veg. He lives on about 50+ acres and we are going to plant a few plants outdoors. Right now they are on 18/6 and growing nicely.

Today is April 17th. Can we veg them till May 30th and just let them get as big as they can before we plant them on June 1st? We maaaay be frost-free outdoors before June 1st, that is just when we are targetting now. I have transitioned vegetables from indoor to outdoor and know I have to acclimate them before I put them in the ground.

Just wondering if anyone has advice re: how tall I should let them get, and what size pots (in L or gallons) to put them in now while we wait to put them outdoors.

Any advice appreciated!!


Well-Known Member
not too tall. wind will stress a taller plant more. keep it short and stocky, imo. a stockier plant is closer to the ground, which radiates heat at nite.


Well-Known Member
Seconded... Shorter and bushier is the way to go, indoors or out, in my opinion... But this is good info for yer situation... Perhaps if they dont become too tall and top heavy when they flower, u wont haveto build a trellising system for them... But, then again, a few stakes wouldn't be a bad idea, as I doubt u will be camping out by them every day and night, and some extra support outside wouldn't hurt...

Rising Moon

Well-Known Member
Now that youve got some good strong plants growing, take time this next month to train the hell out of those girls. LST (low stress training) works great for outdoor plants, and if you have not topped do it now! Try to make a nice 12-16 inch BUSH, plant on June 1st and you will have a great harvest.


Thanks all, sounds great. Sage advice.

We will definitely stake if need be, but probably going for a little bush now. I'll have to convince my partner that taller isn't always better :P We will be visiting infrequently...but still enough to check on them.

Going to top soon I think, and utilize reading has lead me to believe you wait for the fifth set of true leaves, or node, has formed before you top... Is that accurate?

Rising Moon

Well-Known Member
That will work.

Also, look into super cropping, once you get branchy, you will want to slightly break each stem to create a "knuckle" after all is healed up, everything will be stronger b/c of it.