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  1. H

    opions and answers to my questions!!!

    and you should put them in at 8 to 10 inches
  2. H

    What is wrong with my plant? Any input is appreciated!

    all things in hydro are amplified. So when you have a shitty plant its more shit. so if you only have one plant I would blame it on the plant
  3. H

    CAL-MAG Plus ???

    well water is full of micro nutes
  4. H

    Ushio opti red vs opti blue?

    go with hortilux
  5. H

    Bloombastic help

    just one is a good start. it is possible that you could do it both, but you will have much better luck once
  6. H

    Flora Bloom in veg.

    like you don't have 5 bucks for some veg nutes?
  7. H

    Brand new grower needing advice.

    start in soil. get good lights
  8. H

    Is fox farm too strong/unnessasary for seedlings?

    IF your seedlings are not weak ocean forest will be fine.
  9. H

    why are my plants so small

    Ditch the foil and go with Mylar. If that is not an options flat white is good. Get more Light
  10. H

    water quality ??

    You should go with an R/O
  11. H

    Water issue.

    The R/O Prices are a little lower than that and operation costs would be very low for a small grow. You could get the filters for 23 dollars and replace your membrane every two or three years for a small grower. But yes it is an upfront expense.
  12. H

    white or black lid

    Exactly the reason to go with white. Some light leek will be no problem. The only major adverse reaction to light is algea. So if you start getting it worry then, Till then you made the right decision.
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    DWC ph question

    This is the perfect answer
  14. H

    Hydroton Users?

    Any way you want is fine
  15. H

    Cloning Question

    you can also cut the bad stem away and hope they root. you got 50 50 shot
  16. H

    Cloning Question

    Also you are going to want to clean your gear like you never have before. and throw away all neoprene air stones and shit thats cheap to replace. then clean the fuck out of your cloner agiain.
  17. H

    Cloning Question

    They're is a good chance that your pump is overheating your solution. A cycle timer like an ART_DNE will fix. I have also seen some leaking thru the neoprene discs and with the clonex added it has built salt on the plants and made them mad that way.
  18. H

    after trying dyna gro im switching back to advanced nutrients 2 part

    Not many places carry it but you should try the advanced three part base. Micro grow bloom. it is better
  19. H

    how are they looking? day 24

    I would guess you will see a total of 1 to 1 3/4 ounces in total.