What is wrong with my plant? Any input is appreciated!


Active Member
I started a WaterFarm set-up about 3 weeks ago. For the first week it was going fine. Plant was adapting nicely and looking healthy, but only about 4 inches tall.
The second week it started to show a little nutrient burn, yet i left it alone for another 2 days. The nutrient burn only got worse so i decided to flush it out with fresh water, no nutrients for a couple days.
The nutrient burn went away so i started with a SUPER weak solution and after a couple days my leaves started twisting and growing extremely weird. My plant looks weird as fuck in general for some reason. Its growing pretty trippy and doesnt look like a perfect healthy plant like it should if i was doing things right.
I decided to flush it one more time with fresh clean water with a little tiny bit of hydrogen peroxide to clean everything out.
Its been a couple days now and i just added an even weaker solution back into the res. My ph has been perfect all throughout this process(5.7-6.0). And now my PPM is around 250-270. The twisting is still there but im hoping it goes away. My roots are just barely coming out of the bottom of the bucket into the water. It seems like my root system should be waaaaay more developed and filling my reservoir with white lush roots. But they are just barely stringing out of the bottom.

Can anyone give me ANY KIND OF INPUT on my plant. Any suggestions, things i can do different, things im doing completely wrong, etc.

Here's some pics:
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Thanks guys!

all things in hydro are amplified. So when you have a shitty plant its more shit. so if you only have one plant I would blame it on the plant


Well-Known Member
it looks like u have algae on your rockwool ( uses H202 ) when is the last time u cleaned and did a res change? Then your ph actually needs to be lower. 5.5 and run it till 6.1, we do this because 5.5 gets certain nuts and 6.1 get nuts u cant get at 5.5 so we run it like this to get all the nuts :) i need to find that bloody graph again.
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EDIT: what is your starting ppm?


Active Member
my ppm is around 230 right now. i should be at 5.5pH? I've been at like 6.0 this whole grow, and yes i have h2o2 in my solution right now cleaning things off


Active Member
Im feeding GH FloraSeries 3 part. No other additives because idk what to buy!
and before all the problems my ppm was waaay too high, around 600-700ish. So now that im at 350 it should balance


Active Member
Haha definitely not going to blame the plant! Its not her fault! hahaha.
and okay ill lower it down to 5.5.

Another question; Does adding too much pH up or down hurt the plant?