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  1. apotsmokinsniper

    sonar's 2012 outdoor

    those turtles look like eastern box turtles they are pretty rare
  2. apotsmokinsniper

    Obama wins!!!!

    i think this guy is so corrupt and is a smooth talker so anybody with a decievable mind was pursuaded to vote for a guy whos cousin was arrested for being an illegal immigrant and also who sat in a church for 20 years listening to a man preach against the white man. he doesn't even have a birth...
  3. apotsmokinsniper

    stuffing a dutch

    me and my buddies got 8 grams in one once. it was at maximum capacity :leaf:
  4. apotsmokinsniper

    bud rot

    i think its bud rot, but there are a bunch of little white speckles that are all over the plants leaves and it makes me wonder if its really bugs. the rot is brown and it lookes like it has really tiny webbing in it. thnx for the help:bigjoint: ~apotsmokinsniper~
  5. apotsmokinsniper

    bud rot

    i need help guys. i have 9 plants growing outside and one of the plants has bud rot or so i believe. Its that brown bud rot and when you touch it it crumbles, well its on a lot of buds on this plant and ive cut most of it out my question is should i harvest it early it is about 6 weeks in. or...
  6. apotsmokinsniper

    Sept 4th and no signs of budding?

    i have 1 that has been flowering for like 3 weeks and 8 that havent started :wall:
  7. apotsmokinsniper

    The Problems as I see them

    I heard that the U.S. is gonna switch the currency to canadian money. But i think you are right on number 9, gold is the only money that holds true value and these notes that trick people into thinking it is money has just gone to shit. We need new money. Jameng:eyesmoke:
  8. apotsmokinsniper

    why is everyone afraid of nitrogen?

    i sure do love my nitrogen! i did a test a year ago when i gave different amounts of nitrogen to different plants and their reactions and now i give a little bit less than the one that i gave that got a little bit burnt. GO NITROGEN!!!!!
  9. apotsmokinsniper

    Bus beheading in Canada...

    are people allowed to carry a gun around in canada? cuz if theyre not then if they were allowed to it probably would have saved that mans life. this is an absolutely disgusting story. especially since all i hear about people from canada is that theyre the nicest people in the world. now im gonna...
  10. apotsmokinsniper

    Male Plant's What yu guys do with those ??

    i hate male plants with a passion. they ruin my day when i come along one:blsmoke:
  11. apotsmokinsniper

    maybe signs of malnutrition or underwatering? help please

    you first plant sounds fine. every plant will have yellow leaves particularly at the bottom. your second plant sounds like it could use some nutes. give it some fertilizer that is high in nitrogen then it will start growin! :blsmoke:
  12. apotsmokinsniper

    any one in the north east flowering??

    all of my plants have shown sex but i only have 1 female right now that is actually flowering:blsmoke:
  13. apotsmokinsniper

    germinated now what.....?

    like between 1/4 and 1/2 inch:blsmoke:
  14. apotsmokinsniper

    Where You Guys Live? (Don't Say)!

    :blsmoke:i gotta be the only person on this site who lives in connecticut.
  15. apotsmokinsniper

    Marijuana quality

    hell yeah it is. people on this site grow some of the best weed in the world. that is why half of them grow is because they just dont feel like paying all the money for good buds.:blsmoke:
  16. apotsmokinsniper


    yeah, ive had jackfrost. its real good. i dont think that it's better than white russian though.
  17. apotsmokinsniper

    No more red-eye

    i dont understand how swimming goggles would work. its doesn't stop any of the moisture from your eyes being taken out. all the smoke you inhale takes away alot of moisture from your body. thats why i thought eyes get red after smoking. i could be wrong though.
  18. apotsmokinsniper


    yeah dude unfortunately that plant is 100% male :cry: oh well you can still make some hash out of it. if it's your only plant then you might as well.
  19. apotsmokinsniper

    Roots poking out bottom of planter

    yeah, if you are growing outdoors then get at least a 5 gallon container. you should go for a 7 gallon. After some shock (which it will probably go through cuz its hard as fuck to transplant a 3 gallon into a 7 gallon) that thing is gonna grow like crazy and make you a very happy man!:blsmoke:
  20. apotsmokinsniper

    Roots poking out bottom of planter

    :arrow:you probably dont have to transplant just yet. just because a few are poking out the bottom dont mean its going to get root bound anytime soon. yeah, a 3gallon pot will be a pain to transplant but if you gotta do it you gotta do it.:joint: