why is everyone afraid of nitrogen?


Well-Known Member
so in home depot they have it .. is it a plant item how do you dilute it .. Ive never used it but I have a outdoor plant drooping .. maybe it needs a shot


Active Member
i sure do love my nitrogen! i did a test a year ago when i gave different amounts of nitrogen to different plants and their reactions and now i give a little bit less than the one that i gave that got a little bit burnt. GO NITROGEN!!!!!


Well-Known Member
so in home depot they have it .. is it a plant item how do you dilute it .. Ive never used it but I have a outdoor plant drooping .. maybe it needs a shot
it's in the plant food isle. check the N-P-K. the N is nitrogen. you want something with a BIG N #. follow the directions on the box. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
easiest way to find it is in nutes........

as said above, the N stands for nitrogen in NPK levels that are writen on packs of nutes.

more N for veg, more Potasium and whatever the other one was (i forgot) for flowering


Well-Known Member
the alaska fish emulsion works really well for me. I know they sell it at wally world and lowes its 5-1-1


New Member
the alaska fish emulsion works really well for me. I know they sell it at wally world and lowes its 5-1-1
Most people dont use it because f the smell. I use it at double the strength to a little water, and then use more water on top of it to finsish out the feeding. It helps the smell alot if it gets really down into the dirt.It also cant burn the plant no matter how much you give it.


Well-Known Member
Most people dont use it because f the smell. I use it at double the strength to a little water, and then use more water on top of it to finsish out the feeding. It helps the smell alot if it gets really down into the dirt.It also cant burn the plant no matter how much you give it.
And after being advised that my plants needed N, I used a solution of fish emulsion that was only 50% stronger than recommended and fucking killed them. Dead. I wouldn't recommend using a double strength for people who haven't got some time under their belts. In other words, bullshit to the notion that fish emulsion can't burn a plant. It can burn them very easily. Gotta be careful.

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
not true bro i burned my pure power plant with hydrolyzed fish fert...all other plants took it fine but that one being a lil smaller got a lil burnt. id say start off at half strength


Well-Known Member
I used fish emulsion 5-1-1,besides the smell it seemed to work really well for me,I used it half strength and increased the dose every feeding and they loved it :mrgreen:I no longer use it because my plants are now in the ground and I dont want to risk any animals digging my plants up.Now I use a 15-30-15 fert.


Well-Known Member
I have also never burned my plants using Alaska fish fertilizer, and I used it pretty heavily. Once a week, and gave them a good drenching, they all took too it fine, and the flies came from everywhere! lol. I used it on my indoor and outdoor plants, they both loved it from what I can see. I am actually about to go give them another shot, my leaves are gettin a bit light colored near the bottom, and the outdoors plants got a month to go at least. But this only speaks for that specific brand, I don't know about the other brands. Peace.


Well-Known Member
I don't know of any other brands, either. I don't think the brand makes a difference. The main point is that it's easy to burn them if you're not careful. So, just be careful. Start slow and watch.


Well-Known Member
Nitrogen in flower is ok if you want to grow trees but for indoor you have to keep the heighth under control. I use fish fertilizer only during veg.


Well-Known Member
so in home depot they have it .. is it a plant item how do you dilute it .. Ive never used it but I have a outdoor plant drooping .. maybe it needs a shot
Dude...you got 4k posts on a pot growing website and don't know what nitrogen is?

I hope you're joking.