No more red-eye


Well-Known Member
Finally discovered a way to beat the red-eye'd stoners look.
Wear swimming goggles when you smoke :blsmoke:
My girlfriend didn't even know I'd smoked until I started giggling at her hair :hump:
Just don't wear red tinted ones like me, the world looks fucked up after a few tokes
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Well-Known Member
Really? Why not? I would say 99.9% of ppl can safely use eyedrops so you can forgive the assumption.


Active Member
i dont understand how swimming goggles would work. its doesn't stop any of the moisture from your eyes being taken out. all the smoke you inhale takes away alot of moisture from your body. thats why i thought eyes get red after smoking. i could be wrong though.


Well-Known Member
Its not your eyes drying out. Weed stimulates heartbeat and increases bloodpressure. (Ever feel like your heart was racing?) This increase in bloodpressure causes the capilaries running through your eyes to swell which results in red eye. Drops are the best thing for this.

Im more or less certain that you can stone the red out of your eyes too, just keep smoking till your a little past "there"

Edit: Remember when george from seinfeld only had his perscription goggles? Hilarious


Well-Known Member
I actually put the goggles on as an experiment to see if it was an external or internal thing that caused the red eye.
After smoking a spliff looking like a crazy fool in my swimming goggles - no red eye.
I can only assume that it's external factors causing my eyes to go red.

after doing a little research, it apears that red eye is due to blood pressure (as stated above), as I have extremely sensitive eyes, it seems all I've stopped is the external irritation from the smoke, so in my case, goggles help immensly :)
what started out as a dumb stoned post has actually turned into something educational!
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