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    LUCAS FORMULA - Hydroponic Grow Journal

    GreenThumbSucker post up what you've currently got going on with the multiple rooms and big flowering buckets! Some of us in this 15 plant state might like to know how to get bigger perpetual yields with this restriction on the number of the plants. I'm looking to switch from my perpetual soil...
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    First Time Grower! CFL's, Soil and Mother Nature. 56K Stay Away!

    What the hell, the last month of my grow journal is gone! And guess what, someone has all the data from the website now, so the site got hacked by someone who was looking for that information. Who else do you think would want all that info with the IP addresses of all the members and their...
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    You think this Nug is real? Covered in trichs no lie.

    Looks somewhat real to me, I think if it was molding the whole bud would look more brownish and would probably have some black spots like so: I still don't know how I would feel about smoking that originally posted nug though, I've never seen one like that myself.
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    LifeSpan - Life Calculator - Interesting.

    It said I'm going to die in 4 years haha
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    First Time Grower! CFL's, Soil and Mother Nature. 56K Stay Away!

    So today I transplanted 5 of my plants, my 3 White Widows and 2 Afghani. I'll transplant the other 5 Great White Shark tomorrow. I've been having this odd issue with my CFL's recently where they're just burning out a few days after I throw them in. All the lights from the same batch ( 8 ) have...
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    First Time Grower! CFL's, Soil and Mother Nature. 56K Stay Away!

    So this is what my veg room looks like now. I want to get them transplanted ASAP so input on the two plants per pot idea is much needed! As soon as I transplant them I will start LST.
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    First Time Grower! CFL's, Soil and Mother Nature. 56K Stay Away!

    I just put all of my clones in a little tray, rearranged the lights and brought the panda film in close in my veg room. I'll post pics when the lights come on. I'm probably going to have to rearrange the room again to make more room when I transplant all these babies into 3 gallon pots. I was...
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    The Lost Art of Foliar Feeding

    Sorry I'm kind of late to the game here. If I read things right, you foliar feed with nutes every day? I was told to only foliar feed with nutes once a week and to use just straight water the rest of the week. I'm going to give it a shot, I've never used any kind of nutes before. Now I'm going...
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    is this male or female

    I agree, looks like a male to me.
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    First Time Grower! CFL's, Soil and Mother Nature. 56K Stay Away!

    I think I'm going to try to turn my veg room into a tent tomorrow. Will update with pics.
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    First Time Grower! CFL's, Soil and Mother Nature. 56K Stay Away!

    Well I've got 4 plants in their last days of flowering and 10 clones in veg.
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    First Time Grower! CFL's, Soil and Mother Nature. 56K Stay Away!

    For flowering? I thought you wanted warmer colored light for flowering. I'll look into those.
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    First Time Grower! CFL's, Soil and Mother Nature. 56K Stay Away!

    My current CFL's are just as strong as those and I'm running a mixture of Daylight color and Soft White.
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    First Time Grower! CFL's, Soil and Mother Nature. 56K Stay Away!

    Good to know, so I should scoot my new clones closer together. The only problem I have when I bunch them together is watering/trimming the plants in the back. I also try not to have them too close together so they don't fight for light.
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    First Time Grower! CFL's, Soil and Mother Nature. 56K Stay Away!

    So you think if I had the lights hung close to the plants the whole time they would have yielded more? I'm really excited to compare my yield/plant in my following grows as I learn more and get better at this. Could I build a scrog in an open space like this? Would that be a good way to get a...
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    Are my plants too cold? First time grower here!

    Thanks man, I ordered a 400W HPS to flower my next 10 clones. Do you think I would be fine staying on CFL for veg? Here's the grow journal I started:
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    First Time Grower! CFL's, Soil and Mother Nature. 56K Stay Away!

    So for my first grow I decided to keep it simple to make things easier. I simply used CFL's on a timer with plants in soil and no nute's or ferts, just water. Comments are welcome! 11/8/11 This was my first day when I got my clones. I just simply clamped the lights to the boards in the ceiling...
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    Are my plants too cold? First time grower here!

    Thank you, that's actually helpful advice. I've always put them further apart because I thought that was better so they could have more light to their lower branches and not fight each other for light?
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    do you got the balls?

    I usually smoke walking down the street, but not often in establishments because they don't allow smoking anyways. I do however use my MFLB in the movie theater, restaurants, etc.
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    Are my plants too cold? First time grower here!

    Umm, that bag of soil isn't empty and those red cups are the cups that they were cloned in and I use them to tell which plant is which strain. I use the 2 liter bottles to carry the water in for the plants. Thank you for your great insight and help, fellow new poster.