is this male or female


Well-Known Member
This is a burberry seed that is about 3 weeks into veg under three 4ft flouros. wondering if you can tell the sexIMG_20120217_112634.jpgIMG_20120217_112701.jpgIMG_20120217_112709.jpg


Active Member
not necessarily,those sack looking things arent how you tell male from female,do you have pistils or pollen sacks??


Well-Known Member
those are just at the joint... could be from stress could do that naturally to support branches... there IS NO conclusive evidence of male or female in these pictures... so let it grow until it shows!


That's just a mode pony I believe, u won't know male or female till a few weeks into flower......what u have there is normal for any plant, male or female........repeat...THAT DOES NOT MEAN IT'S A MALE.....u hot a while to go before u find out sex......


Well-Known Member
thanks for the advice guys i just didnt want it in my room if it was male ill wait a couple weeks and see.


Well-Known Member
That's just a mode pony I believe, u won't know male or female till a few weeks into flower......what u have there is normal for any plant, male or female........repeat...THAT DOES NOT MEAN IT'S A MALE.....u hot a while to go before u find out sex......
this is partially true... i've experienced from vegging on 24/7 lighting that my seeds have shown signs of femininity 6-8 weeks after germination... before i could even get a cutting off of them to test, so just keep on checking you just might find those hairs without having to clone, flower, and wait for the results :)


Well-Known Member
It does look like a bull...but yeah, I have to agree with the others and let it go until you KNOW for sure.


Well-Known Member
That's just a mode pony I believe, u won't know male or female till a few weeks into flower......what u have there is normal for any plant, male or female........repeat...THAT DOES NOT MEAN IT'S A MALE.....u hot a while to go before u find out sex......
node guys crack me up.


Active Member
That's just a really good strong node growth , it means u have less chance of it breaking off when it starts to flower ...


Well-Known Member
those are just at the joint... could be from stress could do that naturally to support branches... there IS NO conclusive evidence of male or female in these pictures... so let it grow until it shows!


i wonder how many people would have cut that plant after a couple no nothings said that those bumps indicated male?

this, indicates male! :)

View attachment 2064743


Active Member
That's a full blown about some "in the beginning" shots for the guy?
That's not mean it's a male it is node growth !! not a banana . Pallen sacks do not form like that . If our info isn't good enough for u google it ....