LifeSpan - Life Calculator - Interesting.


Well-Known Member
Who knows we may not want to be alive in 50 some years from now. Crazy chinese cyborg ninjas and whatnot.


Active Member
i'm not sure i want to live that long, i think late 60's is a perfect time to check out. then again i wouldn't mind going now


Well-Known Member
i'm not sure i want to live that long, i think late 60's is a perfect time to check out. then again i wouldn't mind going now
its bit of a trick, but im fine if im ignoring society completely lol. as in not thinking at all about it, just doing what i like :)

once ina while something forces me to partake for a bit and im depressed for awhile but hey, life still got some nice things around. (i like cats lol)

(and lots of weed and growing :))


Well-Known Member
73 (i said no to the recreational drugs, as i take only a hit or two a night).

i think it would be lower if it knew just how much i drink.


Ursus marijanus
CN, Ooooh, how I wish I was looking over your shoulder when you gave your answers. 56! Hmmm, it would be very interesting I'm sure. 56, I can't get over 56.
It's little things like the drinking question.
The choices were (paraphrased):

1) Don't drink or never drink more than 2 drinks a night.
2) Drink 2-3 drinks a night.
3) Drink a shitload.

1) isn't correct because "never" is a pretty specific term. I drink a little, but I have been known once in a very great while to drink, say, four Unit Doses in an evening. And 3) is obviously not the case for me. Since there isn't an intermediate setting, i'm stuck wiith 2) even though it overestimates my consumption. I mean, "never" is "never" and never (!) ""rarely".

The smoking question (I reopened the calculator to get this one just so.)

1) Never smoked. (Incorrect. I smoked maybe a pack of cigarettes when i was a teen, and I will enjoy a cigar every few months.)
2) Quit more than 2 years ago. (False. Never smoked enough to quit.)
3) Quit less than 2 years ago. (Also false; same reason.)
4) Smoke less than 2 packs a day. (I chose this one. I smoke precisely 2 packs less than 2 packs a day.)
5) Smoke 2 packs or more a day. (I don't.)

It's in the way the questions are posed. The "recreational drugs" one really cost me. It wasn't business!!
<edit> 55 years on the do-over. cn


Well-Known Member
the funny thing is, recreational drugs probably prolong life in most cases

make it happier anyway.


Well-Known Member
The cigarette question is stupid.
Alright so I smoke, but only 2-3 a day. The day is almost over and I've only smoked half of a cigarette today.

I clearly smoke less than 2 packs per day, less than a 1 pack per day, less than a half pack per day, less than a quarter pack per day.
Why would they draw the line at 2 packs a day?

Total Head

Well-Known Member
it said i'll kick when i'm 62. the family heart disease, smoking, and "drug use" ones really got me. i also never go to the doctor and eat a highly processed diet.

you'd think being a safe driver who wears my belt and hardly ever drinks would score me some more points.

why didn't it ask about sex? isn't sex supposed to make you live longer?


Well-Known Member
nah, me, im gonna just sit around and do nothing, just in case i get that old, (oh and eat healthily and whatnot)

yah right.

100 years of nothing but job and the occasional handjob, no thanks, not for me.


RIU Bulldog
congrats im dead before my next b-day,dont smoke fags or drink and im still dead
it said you're gonna die when you're 20??? I thought you were only 19?

I'm dead at 61. In that case I won't plan for retirement. Yup. Flawless logic at work.