LifeSpan - Life Calculator - Interesting.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Try this one. Put in your current age and sex then answer the questions. Watch your life expectancy change with each answer.

I did very well right up to the question about recreational drug use. Went all the way down to 69. Wait, I don't smoke cigs let me change that answer. Whew, up to 74.


Well-Known Member
Try this one. Put in your current age and sex then answer the questions. Watch your life expectancy change with each answer.

I did very well right up to the question about recreational drug use. Went all the way down to 69. Wait, I don't smoke cigs let me change that answer. Whew, up to 74.
Interesting. It pegged me at 73 but it should be 82. It incorrectly knocked 9 off for drugs.


Well-Known Member
It's telling me i'll die when i'm 85

I work out every day and that question boosted my age like 7 years lol

I didn't count recreational drug use....because I just use mj for serious medical reasons. Although I do enjoy indulging more than I need to... :hump:


Well-Known Member

if you fasten your seatbelts it gives you 2 more years of life.

this is rather dumbass.

i get 96 (i dont agree with their reasoning on a few questions and therefore answered the opposite (what i knew would give the highest scores according to the current level of thinking)


all long living people (even, the cigar cognac smoking guy who died at 106 and attributed his long life to the drugs)

have something in their life to keep them happy and stressfree. (whatever it is. (if it makes you happy, fucking do it (you will live longer and everyone like you better))


Ursus marijanus
Truth told, I did use a bit of lateral interpretation (but no outright lies) on a few of the questions. But it still listed my expectancy as 56, even with always wearing a seat belt and having a clean driving record. And I'm fifty. This is great news! I can raid my 401(k) and live like a narcotraficante. Fortunately the pre-owned Lamborghini market is really soft right now. That should be good for dropping it to 54. cn


Well-Known Member
and im at least gonna get 140 if im gonna bother with living at all.

(depends on the scenery really, a boring society will probably finish me off sooner, a good society and ill last longer)

(its why people only lived to 30 before (some time back) it was an utterly horribly boring society with absolutely no point beyond having babies and making sure the human race didnt die out (Rather similar today in many cases))


Well-Known Member
its a scam.

according to this,everything lowers your life expectancy (Which will force you to pay higher insurance.. (and get less benefits))

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
CN, Ooooh, how I wish I was looking over your shoulder when you gave your answers. 56! Hmmm, it would be very interesting I'm sure. 56, I can't get over 56.