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  1. medicalmaster

    Grandma's Growing Again

    Still got it goin on lol keep it up im having some serious problem in my grow room i tore my acl and havent been able to take care of my plants they are gettting watered when needed but the room is 90+ degrees and in serious need of an ac unit and also so nutriens they have been flowering for 8...
  2. medicalmaster

    First Complete Grow Sucsessful!!!!

    gona try a few of the plants outdoors and start more indoors i will keep you all up to date
  3. medicalmaster

    First Complete Grow Sucsessful!!!!

    Ok guys update and i couldnt be happier with the smoke even after the setbacks with seeds the high is intense hits you hard and fast and last up to an hour or two depending on how much you smoke and what tolerance is. The taste is sweet woody pine that has a slight tingle in the toung and...
  4. medicalmaster

    First Complete Grow Sucsessful!!!!

    Thank you very much very helpfull i think im going to use DWC
  5. medicalmaster

    First Complete Grow Sucsessful!!!!

    Please use whole word iidk what those abr. mean
  6. medicalmaster

    First Complete Grow Sucsessful!!!!

    45 grams from the two bigger plants thas with seeds and 12 grams from the smaller plant alone but the smaller plant smells like love its gona be an orgy in my mouth when i smoke this i will give you all an update after i smoke it. i did get 3 good seeds out of the smaller one so far and i am...
  7. medicalmaster

    First Complete Grow Sucsessful!!!!

    Yes i did burn them with nutes in the begining because i had nuted soil and was adding mg plant feed on top of that and it burnt them. i will check the room for light leaks as of right now my lights are on 24 because i have seedlings trying to get ready for outdoors. i plan on eventially getting...
  8. medicalmaster

    First Complete Grow Sucsessful!!!!

    45 grams is what the two bigger plants weighed right before goin into curing. Smaller plant may produce 10 to 15 grams very very disapointing because that is weight with seeds what am i doing wrong???? I dont want this to happen with my white widow fem seeds!!!!!
  9. medicalmaster

    First Complete Grow Sucsessful!!!!

    I mistakingling did not weight it after cut and have yet to they are 4 days into drying so tomarrow i will check weight
  10. medicalmaster

    First Complete Grow Sucsessful!!!!

    BUMP but i had to share my new beautiful pipe for my smoking pleasures
  11. medicalmaster

    First Complete Grow Sucsessful!!!!

    Thanks everyone i was using MG soild with added nutes i watered every third day or or fourth only watered when my meter said dry.I think i shoudl have went a little longer to but i went a full 9 and the buds smelled beautiful but they stopped growing in size. my grow room should havebeen light...
  12. medicalmaster

    First Complete Grow Sucsessful!!!!

    Everyone please read and subscribe and I cant wait until my seeds get here from nirvana
  13. medicalmaster

    First Complete Grow Sucsessful!!!!

    Ok guy and gals i just completed my first official indoor grow with florecent tubes. I will post pictures of the plants in progress all the way until harvest. I did however have a few issues along the way and maybe the feedback that i recieve from this will help for my next grow which will be...
  14. medicalmaster

    A couple of questions on T5 lighting

    looks to hot in there heat stress or nute
  15. medicalmaster

    200w cfl, Super Sour OG x2, Updated Daily With Pics Soil Grow Please Subscribe

    yea prolly stress from nutriens idk tho it sucks but i have 3 hermis
  16. medicalmaster

    200w cfl, Super Sour OG x2, Updated Daily With Pics Soil Grow Please Subscribe

    Not real sure temps pretty well were maintained at 70-75 and humidity was 50-60s i would say nutes probably done mine im nit sure tho also i dont have a fresh air vet or anything but my room is a spare bedroom
  17. medicalmaster

    Herm, or am I mistaken?

    mine look the same and my sample has seeds no males in room and all 3 plants have seeds
  18. medicalmaster

    200w cfl, Super Sour OG x2, Updated Daily With Pics Soil Grow Please Subscribe

    ok have major issue all 3 of my plants are forming seeds and alot of them i have 3 females and a clone off of one of them no others never been arounds males.. WHY???? wast of beautiful fruity smelling pot
  19. medicalmaster

    200w cfl, Super Sour OG x2, Updated Daily With Pics Soil Grow Please Subscribe

    Ok i need a little help i went into my room this morning to find that both the bigger plants leaves were drooping and looking really helpless. I dont know what caused it, the temp in my room is currently 79 with a humidity of 54 i checked the soil two days ago and it was still moist so i put...