First Complete Grow Sucsessful!!!!

45 grams from the two bigger plants thas with seeds and 12 grams from the smaller plant alone but the smaller plant smells like love its gona be an orgy in my mouth when i smoke this i will give you all an update after i smoke it. i did get 3 good seeds out of the smaller one so far and i am going to try thos hydrponically before i do my white widow.

Also what hydroponic system should i go with im looking at like 4 plants flowering max i can have clones in anohter room tho


Well-Known Member
I'd go DWC, that way you can maximize the yeild. and still do things like Scrog or LST and super crop just like in dirt.


Well-Known Member
Please use whole word iidk what those abr. mean
DWC = Deep water culture - Plants are grown in net pots suspended above a bucket of nutrient solution with an air stone in, the roots grow into the solution and are submerged until the end of the grow.

SWC = Shallow water culture - Pretty much the same as the above but the reservoir (pot) can be a wide flat rectangular container, more for creating a mat of roots than a ball.

NFT = Nutrient film technique - plants are suspended in a slanted tube with a constant trickle of nutrient solution flowing over the roots... NOT recommended for beginners in hydro.

Drip Irrigation systems = Anything where the entire medium is inert (perlite, hydroton etc, this system can be used with soil as well) and a water pump or air pump is used to transport nutrients from a reservoir as a constant drip to the top of the pots.

Flood and Drain (or Ebb and Flow) = Plants are put into a tray above a reservoir, the tray has a run off tube so that the water never overflows, a water pump the transports water from the res to the tray at intervals for usually 15-20 mins depending on medium, when the pump turns of after the 15 mins the tray drains.

Waterfarms = A sort of cross between DWC and Drip feed systems roots grow into a massive root ball in the top pot and a massive root ball in the reservoir section (according to 'scottyballs' of RIU, one of the most productive ways of growing)

Aeroponics = Quite difficult to maintain but has the fastest growth rate out of most hydro setups. Instead of the roots being submerged in water they are sprayed with it on and off or constantly depending on system.

Can't think of anything else at the moment but I've just built a home made waterfarm type deal with 3 pots for £25 (about $30-40) Flood and drain is basically idiot proof, DWC requires a bit more monitoring but is still a very productive method, I would go with something like DWC or Drip feed systems as they are very good at sustaining single plants, Flood and drain and NFT favour commercial or perpetual grows with more than 4 plants in a Sea of Green setup (or SoG, whereby anything up to 9 plants are placed per square foot)

Just a few abreviations and systems explained briefly.
Ok guys update and i couldnt be happier with the smoke even after the setbacks with seeds the high is intense hits you hard and fast and last up to an hour or two depending on how much you smoke and what tolerance is. The taste is sweet woody pine that has a slight tingle in the toung and throte. I cant wait to try these seeds that is one huge plus i now have plenty of seeds of very good smoke as long as they dont all hermi?????? Thats all fellow smokers get high stay high!!!!