Herm, or am I mistaken?


Well-Known Member
That wasn't there yesterday? My gut says that is not a male. But I don't know. Cut one off and dissect it.


Well-Known Member
you cut a calyx.... I don't see a seed in there.. squeeze it like a zit and see.. Don't see any nanners so I would assume you're fine.

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the input folks.

You're right- not a herm. I did a lot of reading, seems that if it were a male preflower (or whatever it's called), it would have been on a little tiny stem.

Have a good one all.


Well-Known Member
It looks like the plant has been seeded, or has huge calyxes, if there are hairs coming out then it is fine...if there are seeds in there though---then you have seeds in there...lol. But there is either a hermie or a male if those are seeds....but I dont see anything in that pic that says male to me at all...those are all female parts.

John Jacob

Active Member
I can see the confusion there are no hairs but trichomes are forming on the calyx.. hmm I'm gonna say hermie on this one, the hairs show its a definite female, those are the female parts which collect the male pollen. so without those hairs.. i dont know, if theres no seeds in there I'd be surprised but prolly wont be as potent either way if its lets say it has mutated genetic code