Search results

  1. The V Ape

    Clones wilting alot...will they be fine? (PHOTO)

    Noob here but I do a slower but has been 100% successful thus far. I am sure it has some name but I just do you cutting, split the stem or not (doesn't seem to make a difference), dip in rooting solution, and then fill a dark glass or cup with some filtered water and top with syran wrap. Stab...
  2. The V Ape

    Training Mother?

    Awesome thanks guys/gals. I have not cut from her yet, but will be in likely a week in prep for my set of plants being harvested. I wasn't sure if training or topping would affect the clones being taken at all. Sounds like its the way to go though. Thanks for the quick posts. Rep to both :D
  3. The V Ape

    Training Mother?

    Hello all, Not sure if I am just searching incorrectly for this, but I cannot find any posts related to training a mother plant. My mother has outgrown the height of her box but not the width. Is it possible to top and LST her but still being able to use her as a mother? Or should I just LST...
  4. The V Ape

    Piss drugs test, can i beat it?

    Our HR department would randomly ask for hair samples. Not sure how ethical it is, but they would say they require a urine test and then ask for hair as well. Apparently the hair test allows them to know if you toked even months ago. Or just get a brush cut ;) Good luck, hope you get the job.
  5. The V Ape

    Pot size or Planter size apparently matters

    Well small pot strikes again! You think I would learn. I had no idea how many roots these plants have. Definately going to just start in my midsized pot and then go in their final homes. Check out the roots system at In...
  6. The V Ape

    AK47 Plant has yellow and browned leaf.

    Cool thanks bantos. Maybe will give them a feeding of water for a bit and see if it cures the yellowing. Props.
  7. The V Ape

    AK47 Plant has yellow and browned leaf.

    Yeah, I have an inline fan that runs for 30mins every hour so I don't think air circulation is an issue. Its a hard call because if it needs nutes and i stop them things will get worse. If it has too many nutes and I give it more things will get worse. Might just have to flip a coin and hope...
  8. The V Ape

    AK47 Plant has yellow and browned leaf.

    Hate to bump this but things look far worse today. Will put some more pictures up after work. Any pointers or consensus on my thoughts are appreciated.
  9. The V Ape

    Grow tent

    Depends what you are doing I guess. 3 - 12 inch pots would fit in it. Going to do SCROG or a bunch of tiny autos? Then much more. I have a 4x4x7 and its HUGE thus far for 5 plants.
  10. The V Ape

    AK47 Plant has yellow and browned leaf.

    Hello all, Read the nutrient guide at and am guessing I have a Nitrogen or Potassium defiency. AK47 feminized (5 plants, only my largest plant is showing this) 27 days since germination and about...
  11. The V Ape

    Outdoor guerilla grow 2012

    See if they have Promix BP or HP. Its $30 for 110L (25ish gallons?). Its been working great for indoors. Not sure on how it will go for the outdoors.
  12. The V Ape


    You definately need to repot. I just did on my first grow and it did not stress the plants at all. It was quite the opposite with dramatic results. Check out my journal for more details but here is before repotting with major root growth against the cup and out the sides: 18 hours later...
  13. The V Ape

    50 seedlings please help 1st time grow!!!!!!!!!!!!

    That is a crazy first grow. I am only doing 5 plants right now on my first grow with another 10 seeds of a different strain stored for another run if I fail and it has been a learning experience with this few of plants. A fellow grower showed me how he clones and man, its the way to go! Saves...
  14. The V Ape

    Pot size or Planter size apparently matters

    Looks like the consensus is to skip the medium sized pots. I was just figuring it would be easier to manage water intake and such until they are big enough to be in the largest pot/pail. I guess as long as they don't get stressed by the 3 moves, it should be ok. Time will tell at this point...
  15. The V Ape

    Pot size or Planter size apparently matters

    Hey Desr, Is that to the largest pot? I was going small (cup) -> medium (1/2gallon maybe) -> larger (3gallon). Should i have just gone small->large? Thanks!
  16. The V Ape

    Pot size or Planter size apparently matters

    Hello all, Just went through my first real pain with my new plants, which is also my first grow of AK47 Feminized seeds. Thought I would put some details out there so hopefully others learn from my mistake. 1) Don't use clear plastic cups. The roots apparently hate it. 2) Don't use small...
  17. The V Ape

    Paranoid - some curling and stretching?

    Ok, I repotted these in larger pots and I think that was my problem. Look at the amount of roots that were in those little cups! Less than 24 hours later look at how happy this plant now looks in its new home: Far cry from the wilted mess they were a day ago. Thanks for setting me on...
  18. The V Ape review (they are on ebay too)

    Thanks Tragik. I actually transpanted them last night. What a difference. The small cups were PACKED to the brim with roots. 18 hours later, the plants leaves are larger and more "pep" to them. they don't look all droppy. Definately will be using larger start cups. For those that asked...
  19. The V Ape review (they are on ebay too)

    Nice! I got mine in 2 business days in Canada. Hopefully you get yours soon. I have picks on my camera of the setup which I will post soon.
  20. The V Ape review (they are on ebay too)

    They are 2 42W CFLs (120 comparible) and a 90W LED UFO from Lighthouse (purchased from Gotham Hydroponics via Ebay). I think I had the light way too high so they stretched, and also found the pots were way too small. I moved them to larger pots and the current ones were packed full of roots...