Clones wilting alot...will they be fine? (PHOTO)


Well-Known Member
Yeah they're not wilting, just droopy, you'll know it worked when they perk up, what did you use to clone them with?


Well-Known Member
You should be fine then as long as you keep them in a humi-dome or something like it, maybe bottom half of 2 liter bottle


Honestly buy cheap rapid rooter tray. U have clonex. Cloning
is so cheap and easy. Just tray, plugs, dome, and mist.

A iill thing I do is soak the bottm of my cutting in r/o water for 20 mins before applying gel and putting into plug. I always have roots in 7 to 10 days .


Well-Known Member
Jesus theyre saggier than your granmas tits. Get rid of the saucers, they need to dry (the jiffys) to about 25% wet and when you water them only water untill 50% wet ,not drenched as this is causing the sag along with badly cut/cloned. For the next 2-3 days put a clear container over them to get some moisture back in the leaves then remove it and they should then be drawing water thru the stem cut, bare in mind the process will be slower and less successful when clones have sagged like this.


Active Member
damn i just cloned this morning and they are already standing up except for one of the 8. they are in a dome with a heating pad and root solution mixed with Grow big from fox farm. oh and a 24w t5bulb


Well-Known Member
How long do we keep the clones covered? Mine have been covered by a cup thats somewhat transparent for about 10 days. The clones look good, still green and still perky. Do I wait to see root or can I put them in soil soon?

Oh, used Clonex, scraped and split, mist frequently, in tree bark plugs. It's my first time.

Oh, and I'm getting Superthrive today. I bet they will love that. If what I have been reading is correct.

The V Ape

Noob here but I do a slower but has been 100% successful thus far. I am sure it has some name but I just do you cutting, split the stem or not (doesn't seem to make a difference), dip in rooting solution, and then fill a dark glass or cup with some filtered water and top with syran wrap. Stab a hole in the top and stick the clone into the water with the leaves of the cutting outside the cup and the stem just into the water. Place somewere with moderate light, like a window sill without direct light, or even on the floor in any room that has ~10hrs of light. Do not put them under HID or HPS or they will wilt and die quickly. Lower light seems to work as they aren't working on photosynthesis I guess, and more working on rooting.

About 2 weeks later you will get roots (or faster, the strain I have seems to take 2 weeks), and then just put it in soil or the pot it will harvest from.

At this point I keep it in indirect growing lights and spray it regularly until it roots and grows. 2-4 weeks later she is ready for bloom.

Not fast, but doing it this way I have yet to loose a clone and have had to kill a bunch off because I was getting too many.


Well-Known Member
I use a DIY cloner bucket with sprayers that cost less than $30 and I get roots in around 4 days under a 400w MH with no dome, and then fan blowing right on them...they have to choose fast to root or die...and they almost always choose root...


Well-Known Member
Dude you need a cloner. Aeroponic, with misters and a roughly 5gal bucket. You can buy a 30 site on eBay for60 bux. Your plant has lost turgor pressure meaning they wilted. You can put em into a bucket filled with a few inches of cold water to rehydrated them. Or wait. And in those cubes it might take a while. I have never used them, sorry. I like roots in 4-10 days. Im trying to get better at it but it's difficult for me.