AK47 Plant has yellow and browned leaf.

The V Ape

Hello all,

Read the nutrient guide at https://www.rollitup.org/marijuana-plant-problems/488004-guide-nutrient-deficiency-toxicity.html and am guessing I have a Nitrogen or Potassium defiency.

AK47 feminized (5 plants, only my largest plant is showing this)
27 days since germination and about 20days in 18/6
Promix BX
Watered with filtered water when Promix is dry and 10% recommend dose of All-Purpose nutrients (24-8-16)
Indoor grow tent with 1 90W UFO LED and 2 42W (100W equal) CFLs at 6500k

This browning an yellowing came out of no where as 3 days ago there were no issues, so I am hoping to nip this in the bud ;)

Should Increase nutes to 15% or more or give them another dry out period and give a full serving of nutes?

Any pointers appreciated.


The V Ape

Hate to bump this but things look far worse today. Will put some more pictures up after work.

Any pointers or consensus on my thoughts are appreciated.


man I grew this one time and got some excellent results. However I only gave them nutes 1 time before 12/12. What I did get was some yellowing from overwatering and all I did was cut back on water. If its isolated I would just give it a cup of water and monitor it. If it keeps going It could be a nute problem but IDK.

do u have enough air circulation in there?

The V Ape

Yeah, I have an inline fan that runs for 30mins every hour so I don't think air circulation is an issue.

Its a hard call because if it needs nutes and i stop them things will get worse. If it has too many nutes and I give it more things will get worse. Might just have to flip a coin and hope for the best.


you can never go wrong with just watering them.

reason I ask about circulation is because a recent grow was getting curled and yellow leaves due to heat. I had to increase air movement between the canope and lights and this solved that issue.

if new growth is green as can be then you should b ok. if the yellowing is at the top then u should b a little concerned

The V Ape

Cool thanks bantos. Maybe will give them a feeding of water for a bit and see if it cures the yellowing. Props.